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TA being rude to guests...HELP!


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Originally Posted by Maybride2009 View Post
I am so sorry you are having a hard time. I am also going through a hard time wedding wise right now too and it just sucks.
I really hope you get this all sorted out. My thoughts are with you for a happy ending

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it, I'm sorry to hear that you're having issues too. Feel free to PM me if you need anything :)

I'm talking with a few other TA"s right now so I'm just trying to stay positive that this will all work out.
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i was going to say the same thing...TA jennifer has a great relationship with the azul resorts and is actually going to do a webinar with them soon (even if you dont use her, you should do the webinar).


if you talk to her, you will see that not only is she super knowledgeable but also very sweet.

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Originally Posted by jessyg20 View Post
WOW, Erika, that really sucks. I think you should blast her name so people know about her and don't have to go through the same thing.

I hope everything turns out fine for the rest of your bookings.
Believe me as soon as all my finances are taken care of with her, I'll be writing reviews wherever I can!! smile27.gif

If there are any Kansas City brides around that need to know before that, please feel free to PM me.
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I love that we have awsome TA's one here to help us through this. My wedding is Dec. 7th...& the whole process with our TA has not been a good experience.

I'm not even sure where to begin..but when I read Erika's post I felt like she read my mind! Our TA in the beginning was great, seemed she had tons to inform us on, answered alot of questions, wanted to meet all the time..then when we chose to continue the process & book with her its just gone down & I mean down from there. She's rude to our family on the phone, is extremely short when people call her (if she even answers) & just wants to email everything to them instead of discussing anything over the phone, which is great for some people but, surprising to some, my parents & FI grandparents don't use email or Internet much & she actually laughed at them for that. She gave us 3 days notice that eveyone had to RSVP, then i asked for invoices to be sent out or some info to our guests so they could start planning & saving $$ & 2 1/2 months went by! I called & emailed her 20 times that I'd really love for the invoices to be sent asap & she finally did send them out......4 days before the balances were due! In addition, when she initially quoted everyone prices & everyone RSVP'd...once she sent out the invoices all our guests prices were wrong and way higher...i asked her about & she snapped at me that all our guests were wrong & that whatever is on invoice is what she told them from the start. Well, i then had to print off every email (bc I had to finally ask her to "cc" me on every email since people were complaining her emails were rude) & then highlight all the prices she originally quoted my guests, which then she admitted "Apple" must have messed up when she was pulling prices again & went ahead & fixed the prices back to what she originally said. I could go on forever..its been a mess, but were too far into this to switch from her now. Just really disappointing since this is a first time alot of our guests have dealt with a TA & showing how amazing our TA's on this forum are, I hate to think they are going to think this is how working with one is.

Sorry...geez, apparently I needed to vent :) hahahahaha.

Basically, Ericka..I feel your pain!


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Originally Posted by niels408 View Post
I love that we have awsome TA's one here to help us through this. My wedding is Dec. 7th...& the whole process with our TA has not been a good experience.
I'm not even sure where to begin..but when I read Erika's post I felt like she read my mind! Our TA in the beginning was great, seemed she had tons to inform us on, answered alot of questions, wanted to meet all the time..then when we chose to continue the process & book with her its just gone down & I mean down from there. She's rude to our family on the phone, is extremely short when people call her (if she even answers) & just wants to email everything to them instead of discussing anything over the phone, which is great for some people but, surprising to some, my parents & FI grandparents don't use email or Internet much & she actually laughed at them for that. She gave us 3 days notice that eveyone had to RSVP, then i asked for invoices to be sent out or some info to our guests so they could start planning & saving $$ & 2 1/2 months went by! I called & emailed her 20 times that I'd really love for the invoices to be sent asap & she finally did send them out......4 days before the balances were due! In addition, when she initially quoted everyone prices & everyone RSVP'd...once she sent out the invoices all our guests prices were wrong and way higher...i asked her about & she snapped at me that all our guests were wrong & that whatever is on invoice is what she told them from the start. Well, i then had to print off every email (bc I had to finally ask her to "cc" me on every email since people were complaining her emails were rude) & then highlight all the prices she originally quoted my guests, which then she admitted "Apple" must have messed up when she was pulling prices again & went ahead & fixed the prices back to what she originally said. I could go on forever..its been a mess, but were too far into this to switch from her now. Just really disappointing since this is a first time alot of our guests have dealt with a TA & showing how amazing our TA's on this forum are, I hate to think they are going to think this is how working with one is.
Sorry...geez, apparently I needed to vent :) hahahahaha.
Basically, Ericka..I feel your pain!

I am so sorry to hear that!! I wish you all the best :) At least you had the prices adjusted. The worst part is ideally you only get married once, so it's not like you can learn from your mistakes for next time. You don't want there to be a next time wow.gif
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