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Four Teeth Out and Bitchy!


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Hey everyone,


This past wednesday (Oct 8 ), I got all four of my wisdom teeth extracted. I am beyond miserable! I can't work out and I can't eat most foods, especially ones that I usually eat which are healthy.


A bit of background, I spent the last six months working out very hard and I lost 20lbs (I'd like to lose another 10-15lbs). So now that all I'm basically confined to right now is jello, pudding, ice cream, yogurt, etc....I've been gaining weight, obviously. I know that this sounds pathetic but I am miserable about it. Maybe part of the gain has to do with the antibiotics they put me on, I have no clue really but it's making me so sad.


Have any of you ever had your wisdom teeth out? If so, what did you eat while you were recovering? There has got to be some sort of slightly nutritious food I can eat. sad.gif


Well, sorry to making you listen to my pitty party but I'm desperate for some suggestions!


Thanks in advance, you girls are the best!

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Aww it will be ok. It is painful though. I never had all four at once, just bottom two. It was years ago but from I remember it was pudding, yogurt, shakes- u can mix up some fruit smoothies or something, apple sauce, rice pudding, jello, and thats pretty much it. You could prob eat mashed potatoes, or like cream corn, ?? I dunno if you like that though.


Hang in there, I hope you feel better!

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Hehe thanks! I had mashed potatoes last night, but my body does not metabolize carbs very well, so I generally like to keep them to a minimum. I guess I'll just have to work extra hard at the gym when I get back to it because I don't want to starve myself just because I don't want to gain weight...it's just a bummer haha. I guess I can't have it all wink.gif

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I had all four out at the same time, they were all impacted and it was an overnight stay in the hospital... my story of my wisdom teeth will not make you feel better... and could possibly make you feel worse.


As for food choices... I know it sounds gross... but baby food is a great option that is actually healthy, they have veggies and fruit without added sugars.


Slimfast is a great alternative too.. which will leave you full and could possibly induce weight loss...


Hang in there... rest.. you need it...

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I dont enjoy sugary stuff so when I had mine out last year I went on my "baby food" diet lol. Pretty much I would make sweet potatoes, potatoes, carrots, turnip, any veggie that can be mashed, and mashed them up! On top of that I made things like butternup sqaush soup and banana smoothies. Anything that was smooth enough to drink out of a mug and didnt have little seeds (like strawberries) and filled me up. Veggies have a lot of nutrients and fiber so I would feel full after eating them and didn't have to resort to ice cream. I also kept up with my vitamins since I was worried I was missing out on them by being limited in what I could eat. I actually ended up losing 5 pounds unintentionally from the whole thing.


Also, its hard to feel thin and cute when you have chipmunk cheeks. I looked like a bobble head doll and didnt leave the house!! But it will be over before you know it! The second day was the worst but after that it was steady improvement. Good luck, hunnie!

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I feel your pain.

i had instant mashed potatoes almost every freaking day after my wisdom teeth for about a week. I also has soups that had barely anything in them like shrimp bisque that had grind up shrimp in it or just chicken broth. You might be able to eat pastine with chicken broth (it's really really tiny pasta you could just swallow) or how about cream or wheat/oatmeal? Oh and i wouldnt starve yourself. i didnt want to eat so i didnt and the medication i was on for it made me so sick to my stomach because i was supposed to take it with food. Honestly i think you'll feel better in a week and be able to eat more healthy things. I dont think a week will set you back too much.

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Oooh i just remembered what i eat now for breakfast that you could have, i have a no sugar added carnation instant breakfast mix with skim milk. I think it's .5gram of fat for each one. But ya gotta get the mix kind not the premixed drinks. they are super easy to make yourself. My friend takes the mix, milk, and bananas or strawberries to make a smoothie like one.

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