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Career change? What offers flexible hours?


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I am looking for advice or ideas on a career change. I am currently an Accountant, but I never really chose this job, it just kinda happened. I don't have a degree and have pretty much reached the top of where I can be without one. I don't want an Accounting degree though.


I've been thinking alot about the future and the fact that when we have children, I want to be a stay at home mom. We also will own our own business when Matt takes over his Dad's hair salon. Our plans for then would be for me to take over the business side of it. But that's in the future, probably 5+ years.


We will probably have children before that time, so I've really been thinking about things that I can change now in preperation for that time. I work over 1.5 hours away from where we live (we also live within about 10-15 minutes of the salon, so moving closer to my work isn't really an option), so when we have kids, I don't want to have to return to this job so far away. Plus I kinda hate my job.


I am looking for career options that offer flexible hours but still make ok money. My mom suggested court stenography. I am a pretty good typer, so that's a possibilty, but it made me wonder what other options there are. Anyone have any ideas? I wouldn't be opposed to going to school for it either, as long as it wasn't for years. I kinda want to make a change soon. I am open to hear any ideas that anyone has.

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I would look for something in the medical field because there are always positions open and almost every location because ppl need medical care were as some jobs you need to be located in certain areas to find work. FI is going for dental assistant which takes a year and then dental hygienist which will be other year. Or even look at a career as radiologic technologists. you could work at a hospital or private practice. that program is about two years.

I see you live in Telford, i lived in Hatfield last year and the FI went to Mont Co. they have both dental hygienist and radiologic technologists and i think a couple more medical fields that would all take about 2 years

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Yeah, I keep hearing the medical field is the way to go. I was hoping for something that would be more of a "i make my own hours" type of thing.


Like the reason my mom was telling me about court stenography was because her friend daughter does it, and she just makes appts with lawyers and whoever and does depositions and whatno. So she doesn't have official work hours, just makes appts as needed.


I realize this might be a far fetched "want" to have in my career, but was just wondering if someone knew of other things similar to it.

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If you have an accounting background, (depends on how much you like it) you could try being an 'independent' bookkeeper. We work with lots of bookkeepers who have several clients, and they either go to the site once or twice a week, or they are able to do everything from home! They can also pretty much work whatever hours they choose. You can then charge an hourly rate for services. In Canada I have seen $50/hour for the standard, however not sure what the going rate would be in the US.


It may not be the most exciting but it does provide some flexibility, and the ability to deduct expenses against that income!! Writing off part of your home and paying less tax is always awesome. Also if you have several clients, it provides some variety.

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Lori - that actually sounds pretty cool and like it might be right up my alley! I will have to check into that...


And Allaballa - I am SO not a people person, so I think being in sales would conflict with my personality and I'd be miserable. It's actually something my husband would be really good at probably, but I'd be the worst real estate agent ever! hahahaa.


Thanks girls, keep the ideas coming!

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Hmmm, I was going to say real estate too. I've considered doing real estate a lot but the evenings and weekends would kill me. I would hate that! My other idea for you was sales, but I guess that's also out...my FI is in sales and he has the most flexible hours I've ever seen! It's his slow time right now and he barely worked all week. It makes me rage with jealousy!


But I think Lori's option sounds perfect actually. I like the idea of being a consultant-type and taking on jobs whenever you want/need. You should totally look into that!

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Being a mediator might be an option. Its typically a 40 hour, week long training session to be certified. I know a lot of stay at home moms or older people do it.


It's not selling things, but you have to be good at taking a neutral stance, listening to both sides, following rules, and not getting your own emotions involved. You deal with upset people a lot, so it's not for everyone.


I like the consultant-bookkeepper idea the best! But the hooked idea would be my second choice. :)

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