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Oh My F*cking God


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omg stacey that is madness! why she would pay all that money (that she hasn't got) to go to the same resort as her ex-bestfriend, and not attend the wedding - thus making herself look like a right fool...i don't know...i just don't get it!! why?!


I've always had a wee niggle in the back of my mind about my dad...i don't have a relationship with him, but my brother does...and he told my dad our plans to get married and that my mums partner is walking me down the aisle....my brother (and step brothers) have told me how angry he was...its always niggled at me incase he had to turn up...but i've always reassured myself that no-one would be daft enough to do that!!lol


I agree with the other girlies on here...make sure have some people on watch



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Sounds a bit "unstable" if you ask me... especially at 31. Probably a good thing that she's not involved with your wedding anymore. Too bad she's at the resort when you are. I'd have a few people on the lookout during the wedding/reception just to intercept any potential drama, but otherwise and yes, this is easier said than done, enjoy your vacay and your wedding and be glad she's not in it. What is with weddings and drama? I dont get it... seems like everyone has some form of drama when planning a wedding. Good luck to ya at any rate! Hope she doesnt pull anything to f'ed up.

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Girl, i think you have the whole forum up in arms for you (rightly so). As everyone has said, the girl is trippin. And like many have said just ignore her. I personally would go a few steps farther and play the whole how pathetic she is card "oh, poor thing, you must really want to be at my wedding How pathetic you are, that you would try to get "even" like we use to do in the 3rd grade. I hope you really enjoy your trip, I hope all is well for you, good luck with all that your tryin to do." And then have a TON of fun on YOUR trip and at YOUR wedding. There is nothing she can do to you, even to try to ruin your day. Just let your all your girls and honey know and then erase it from your mind because she is nothing.

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ok before you totally bug out, step back from the situation, as much as you want to hunt the bitch down if she is even thinking of messing up YOUR DAY, remember , your family and REAL friends will be there and would never let that bitch get any where near you or your perfect day . so as much as you want to beat the bitch out of her , this reaction is what she wants, so don't give it to her but def give the ok to your girl crew if they do see her anywhere they can't beat her down:) thats why we have friends they go above and beyond for you cause they love you!

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Like everyone has said, this is a bit much. But you know what I'd do? The evil me girl_werewolf.gif says to send her this thread, with everyone's reactions so she could see how much of an a$$ she is!!! smile116.gif

For everyone here to react the same way shows you that she is a bit off her rocker & not normal!


Okay, now back to the nice me, really, like others said, ignore her. Right now you're probably reacting exactly like she wanted you to. Just notify security & your WC. If you have a picture of her, print it out & give it to them so that they know who to look out for. Other than that, I wouldn't give her any more thought & I wouldn't email her or call her again. With every email & every phone call, she's thinking that she's got you all crazy, which again, is probably what she wants!

But, while you're there, if she even looks like she's coming your way, grab your girls & be ready to do what you gotta do!!! hit.gif

Hang in there & forget about her!

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Wow. Just wow. Sorry this is happening.

Why is she going to the resort you are getting married at anyway? Did she book in advance for your wedding or something?

if not, that is just plain crazy!

Either way, don't sweat it. You said she is vengeful but the thing is, your wedding will be just for you and your guests.

Are you having it privatized in anyway?

She has got some serious nerve.

Again, just let it roll off your shoulders.

She's obviously psychotic and not worth it.

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what a crazy!!

i'm sorry you have to deal with all this crap.


i just went back & read your "break up" story, and i really don't think she'll be at your resort. i agree with an earlier post that it is just a fake reservation. she wouldn't really be insane enough to attend a wedding that had her so stressed out over money would she?!! (here's hoping!)

but it sounded like your falling out was over the money- and maybe some other jealousy issues that money was a great excuse for... but who would actually want to attend a wedding they were no longer standing in? even if she had some sort of crazylady plan to hurt you i don't think she could go through with it. it would cost waaay too much money, and i think being around the wedding would be too painful for her anyway.


either way- you ARE the bigger person, so don't let her bring you down



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