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help with surprise party invite wording pls!


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does anyone have a good invitation poem? i'm throwing dh a surprise 30th and can't think of/find anything witty enough to put on the invite!


the only thing i have is absolutely terrible:


k is turning thirty

and that is no surprise

please come help him celebrate

and drink to his demise


but it's not witty - it's mean!!!


any help is appreciated!


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I found these...


There's a Birthday Party

and you're invited to show

But don't tell XXX, because he doesn't know

So if you can make it, here's a word to the wise

Make sure to come early

'cause it's a Surprise


We're having a party

xxx hasn't a clue

So keep it a secret

we're counting on you!


He’s another year older

A new decade this year

And we want to surprise him

With all of you here

The party’s a secret

He doesn’t know yet

And if you keep quiet

A surprise he will get!

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no prob...glad I could help! :)


I had to edit this post...for some reason I thought you were throwing a surprise party for a friend, not your dh and I saw this one earlier and I think it's to cute for a spouse


XXX told me,

"No party, get me golf clubs instead!"

But when have I ever listened

to a thing that he’s said?

So I decided to invite

those we hold dear

To help us celebrate


Since his birthday’s in xxx

it should be a surprise

if you keep it a secret,

he will not surmise

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