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Christa's Cabo Surf Review

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Congratulations Christa! I'm so glad to hear that everything was great! You were a BEAUTIFUL bride!! I can't wait to see all of your pictures!


Thank you for the great review! Have a great honeymoon!!

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I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this post.... shouldn't you be enjoying your honeymoon Christa?!? LOL but that's awesome that you did up the review, so thoughtful of us gals back home. heheheh


I'm so happy that everythign turned out for you despite the anxiety attack. You looked absolutley gorgeous in your wedding gown with your hair all done up. You remind me of someone I know.... and she's a doll. I feel like telling her you are her lost twin or sumthin. haha


Well have a blast for the rest of your trip, can't wait to see more photos when you get home :)

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CONGRATULATIONS MRS CHRISTA!!! I LOVED your review!! I am so happy that your wedding was so wonderful! Your pictures are gorgeous and I absolutely love your flowers! Have the best time on your honeymoon!!! We are all so happy for you!

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Christa - I know you're out there living it up on your honeymoon but I am so happy to hear how beautiful and perfect your wedding was. It sounds like minus a bit of understandable anxiety that really everything went without a hitch!


I love the pics you posted - you casn see that the anciety is long gone by the time those were taken!


I'm so happy for you and I can't wait to ask you a million questions about Maye, Baja Cantina and see all your pictures!

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