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Need input on how to handle registry before I actually register

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I am honestly dreading this registry thing, I just have a feeling it's going to not be fun but more of a pain in the buttocks.


This Sat me and my sister are going to Macy's and probably Bed, Bath & Beyond, to see their products. I wanted to get an idea of what I needed before I actually go with Joe, so it's alil more organized. It's stressing me just thinking about it, so I need a plan. Should I bring paper and pen and write down products I like? I am just going to get kitchen, bath and bed stuff, so I guess I should start by organizing my list that way. I'm open to all suggestions, thanks chickie's.

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Morning Lady, I actually went and registared everything with my FMIL, Jay honestly wasn't all that interested in this stuff since we have owned our home for 3 yrs now. I went in with a total open mind, I knew what I had in mind.. but they give you a checklist at BBB and you can work from that. I didn't know what to add really because some stuff I just don't need. One thing I did was go in first look around like you and then went in for the big day of scanning. I didn't overly scan but after I got home I went on the website and found some more really great things that the store didn't have. It all depends on the size of the store when shopping from it. You will be fine.. you can bring your pen and paper if you want.. just so you don't forget but having these things online now is just great!!

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I had originally just wanted to register with my mom and sister. I didn't think Joe would even care, but lil did I know, he is all about it and didn't want me to leave him out at all. Which I can respect. So I mentioned to him months ago that we should pick a few stores, go to them and look around and make a decision from there. So he said yes but it seems like we never have time to go. He is always doing shit, I am always doing shit so we have yet to go and I'm getting annoyed. I was telling my sister this and I guess she heard the stress in my voice so she offered to go with me to look around at the stores, and from there I could tell Joe what stores I thought were good.


It's a good idea though to check the sites out too, I didn't realize that they probably have products too, that arent in stores.

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I think going beforehand and looking around is definately a good idea and I would definately bring a pad and pen to make a list. I didnt do that. I did sit down with the list they have online from BBB of what they recommend you register for and than crossed out stuff i already had and wrote down stuff that wasnt on the list I didnt have and needed.


And even though i brought a list with me I still felt really overwhelmed when i was registering especially at BBB. I think going ahead of time would of put me more at ease. Oh and thank god you can go online afterwards and add stuff or take stuff off. I must of changed mine like 20times.

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So I know I said this already in my email, but if you and Melissa are going to check stuff out, I don't htink it would hurt to register for what you see and like that day. Then you can go with Joe later and add more. Then you can edit it online later. Cuz you will never remember everything that you see that you like, even if you write it down, you will find that your notes don't make sense and you don't know what they mean.


Also, if you register online first (just set up your names and wedding info) it saves some time sitting in the registry persons desk. And if you do that with Mini first, you won't have to do it with Joe and then it's less time for him to get ADD in. Kwim?


Ok, re-reading that, I kinda didn't make a lot of sense. To clarify, you can sign up online by creating a registry and not even adding any info (I think they are good for a few days with no info, and then they are deleted). Then when you go into the store to get the registry gun, you can tell them that you've already signed up and they just give you the gun, the list of stuff to work from, show you how to work the gun, and you can be on your way.

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Originally Posted by carly View Post
So I know I said this already in my email, but if you and Melissa are going to check stuff out, I don't htink it would hurt to register for what you see and like that day. Then you can go with Joe later and add more. Then you can edit it online later. Cuz you will never remember everything that you see that you like, even if you write it down, you will find that your notes don't make sense and you don't know what they mean.

Also, if you register online first (just set up your names and wedding info) it saves some time sitting in the registry persons desk. And if you do that with Mini first, you won't have to do it with Joe and then it's less time for him to get ADD in. Kwim?
JOE?? Getting ADD? NEVER! blahahahah

I just suggested to him this idea, to start it and he said he'd ike to "start it" with me. Sooo I guess that's out. smile105.gif
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Oh boy... he really wants to have fun with the shopping expierence.. ummm odd but ok! If Jays mom didn't lay into him about asking why I had not gone shopping yet (I was waiting for Jay to finally make time for it) I would still be sitting here without one. So Janet and I just went and got it done. I agree I have changed mine a million times already because I think about it and say .. ooo don't need that, but I totally forgot about that. Staring at the store and picking compared to sitting at home when you can really open a cabinet... helps tremendously!!

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