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Bridal Shower for Out of Town Bride

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My niece is getting married next June in Mexico. She lives in Arizona, along with most of her friends and Mom and sister.

My sister is originally from NJ, so all of her family is here. My niece is only inviting about 6 or 7 of us from NJ. Would it be appropriate to do some sort of a local shower for her here? I was just thinking of inviting the family and having some sort of a brunch, or would that be strange with just 6 of us and no bride?

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Thank you for your input. I don't think my niece would be pissed, as she is a very caring person and would be happy that those who loved her were thinking about her, due to the fact that we wouldn't be able to join her on her own local shower. We are all travelling to the RM for the wedding, so it wouldn't be possible to pay to fly to AZ for a shower, as well.

I had seen some suggestions on other websites for possibly getting together, bringing the gifts unwrapped and wrapping them up and shipping them to the bride. I know she has wanted a lingerie shower, so it would be fun to see the items that the others purchased for her. I would provide different wrapping paper and bows, etc. and we could take pictures to send to her. Just a way to let her know that she is loved and cared for by the folks "back east" who can't possibly be there on her shower day.

If anyone has any other ideas or suggestions; I'd be happy to hear them.

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