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Opinions needed on jewelry options

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So, I bought a pair of earrings that I really like. But then I was browsing through planning threads and came across an etsy seller with different earring (and necklace) options that I like also.


Need some honest opinions!!


Earrings I bought:

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Option 1 - with matching necklace

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Option 2

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And because I know you'll ask what my dress looks like: bad pic, sorry

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I really like the original ones Tara. If you really were dead set against them then I would go with option #1. I just think that #2 would get lost on you cause they are crystal clear along with your coloring and the white dress... kwim?

I think the ones you have add a little bit of a vintage look. If that's what you are going for.

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Not knowing what "feel" you are going for at the service, I much prefer the original choice. I have a Givenchy pair that are very similar in antique styling that look fantastic with my cushion cut ER according to Fiancee. The other choices will lend a more casual feel and are indeed pretty, but not as beautiful as your gut #1 choice. Just my 2 cents....



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so for those of you that said add a necklace with the origional earrings, what kind of necklace? I'm SO BAD at matching jewelry - which is why I usually only wear either earrings or a necklace. But I'm totally open to a necklace, just have no ability to pick one!

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