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Tammy's Engagement Story

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Nice story Tammy! I think that's super special about the diamond too. I had similar issues, so we chose a diamond accordingly :) My FI thinks I'm a bit of a liberal socialist for it, but he still respects my views which means alot!


I agree w/Janet - I feel like I've known you for a while now, it's good to know this part now too.

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my fiance thinks the same thing about me...the sentimental part of me loves my ring because my DH spent so much time researching it and picking it out and spending the $$ on it....the socialist side of me things the diamond industry is a sham and i dont want to buy into it...and i feel like they perpetuate the violence going on in africa. also, honestly, i am a little embarrassed by the size of it...i don't wear jewelry so to wear something like this makes me a little self conscious...i shouldnt feel this way because compared to my gf's 3.5 ct ring mine is little BUT still....

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Originally Posted by NATASHA View Post
So, so sweet!

You know, that looks SO MUCH like where we had our family cabin (also in Nor CA). We didn't have a phone or tv either - I look back so fondly on that time - you've taken me back to some really great times.

Where is it?
it is coffee creek...do you know where that is? up near trinity.
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