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How do I get my OOT bag goodies to Mexico?

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I need your help! I don't have too many things but I am nervous they will get taken in customs upon our arrival. Should I just put everything in a bag and try to explain that it is my wedding?


I was told not to ship by my WC and it's too soon for that. Should I break it up among my family or just try to get it over myself?



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Liz, I have 11 bags I'm distributing between my family and friends. That's the only way to go. You also don't want the Resort responsible for holding your stuff and mysteriously dissapearing!


Inside each bag I'm placing a list of what's in the bag and how many of each. Along with a note that it's for a wedding. I'm going to laminate it and leave it inside the bag on the top.

Since I work at the airport, I asked one of the TSA guys that screens bags in the ramp, and he suggested to not only do a list but write something begging/pleading to be gentle since it's for a wedding. He said he actually reads the notes and does put everything back neatly if they have to open it for whatever reason. lol Crazy huh?!

I'm also going to give a copy to whoerver is carrying it. That way they'll know what's in the bag and can explain themselves if they get stopped at arrival.

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