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Best prices on "wedding" dresses

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Hello ladies,


I searched for a while and couldn't find a thread that mentioned this so I thought I'd share. I'm from a small town in Nova Scotia, Canada so when I decided to go wedding dress shopping I didn't have a whole lot of options. I wanted something very simple and light since the weather will be so hot in Jamaica. The bridal shops had a very limited supply of what they called destination wedding dresses and they just weren't me and I didn't think I'd find what I wanted ... until....


One of the sales people asked if I'd consider ordering a bridesmaid's dress in white. It was the prefect plan because many bridesmaid's dresses are absolutely beautiful and when they're ordered in white you would never know the difference. The HUGE BONUS is that they don't have the word wedding attached to them so they don't cost even close to as much. I paid less that $200 for mine and there were others that were even cheaper. I'm sure I'm not the first person to do this but I was so happy I didn't pay more for a wedding dress, that I wanted to let anyone who hasn't ordered a dress yet know that they don't have to pay "wedding" prices!


Good luck and happy shopping!!

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Hi there!


I actually just ran in to a coworker who recently married in Cabo. She showed me her wedding photos & I complimented her on her wedding dress which she informed me was a bridesmaid dress!!!

I never thought to look at bridesmaids dresses but hey, it works!!

Thanks for sharing!!! pinkie.gif

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