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My youngest sister has passed...I want to cancel ceremony


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I am so sorry for your loss. I don't have first hand experience on what you must be going through right now, but I do have a twin sister and can understand your pain. I will be praying for you and your finally for you all to be at peace and to gain understanding about what you should do. Take care.

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I didnt read through everything- but I just wanted to say that I am so sorry for you loss - I can't even imagine. Do what your hearts tell you to do. And if you end up wanting to have a ceremony at another time down the road then you can do it then. Praying for you to stay strong.

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This is just awefull, and it breaks my heart to read all your pain. I cant emagin how lonely and sad you must feel, there is nothing I can say to make your pain go away. Just know I will be thinking of you, my condolances to you and you family, and I wish you all the strength in this dark time in your lives..

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I have just read all the posts...


Firstly, I am very sorry for your loss, with respect to the wedding, ultimately, I say make the decision a family decision. I normally wouldn't say that, but given the extreme circumstances... make it a family one.


I'd also like to say, that after reading all the posts, the ladies on this board are absolutely fantastic, loving and sympathetic. In all the day to day chaos, of work, life, and wedding planning, you have all banded together, in loving support of Indigo. I am very impressed.


Big Hugs... and warm thoughts.

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