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My youngest sister has passed...I want to cancel ceremony


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Oh Indigo, I am so deeply sorry for your loss. I cannot even imagine how heavy your heart must be right now, but do know that my prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.


I know that finding the strength to continue planning your wedding must be so difficult, but take time to grieve and step back from the planning process. No one can blame you for not being in a celebratory mood, but I think that your sister would have wanted you to move forward and celebrate your wedding. Something joyous for your family to look forward to can be a great source of healing for all of you. But try take it one day at a time, and like all the others have said, ultimately the decision is in your hands.


My heart goes out to you ~ stay strong smile03.gif

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Indigo, I am truly sorry for your loss. With the rest of the brides, I will be thinking and praying for your family during this tragic time.


No one can tell you what you should or should not do about your wedding. What's important is that you make the decision that gives you the most comfort, or any at all, at this time. There are few times in life that it is okay to be greedy and this is one of those times. It's said that losing a sibling hurts as terribly as losing a child. I cannot imagine your pain and that of your family.


Remember all the wonderful things your sister did and how wonderful she was while she was with you. My own sister passed in infancy. I never had the chance to grow with her, but I can tell you that I love her endlessly.


Again, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Take one step at a time and you'll know when you are ready for a wedding.

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Originally Posted by Indigo View Post
We really don't know how she died which is causing more pain. We got a call from the hospital stating that she had passed. We did not get a chance to say goodbye at all. An autopsy was done and the pathologist said she had pulmonary fibrosis. He doesn't know how and why she had it and it is going to take a month or so to get specific information. My heart is really heavy right now and I all the joy and excitement that comes with planning and organizing my wedding has gone.
Indigo,this is just so sad the tears are falling from my cheeks because this just isnt fair.My 13 year old beautiful sister died from inhaling deodrant in her bedroom she wasnt a bad person but had made friends with a girl who came from a different part of the country who introduced it to Kerri and her friends.We to had to go through the autopsy and then the inquest with the tv cameras in our faces.This whole process just hurts like crazy.I wanted you to know that although our lives will never ever be the same we can/must remember them and smile.My dad has a real problem with this but we try to remember the funny things she did.Like when she deceided to put my mums false teeth in her own mouth and broke them in half, she put them back on the window ledge and went to the swimming pool in our village.My mum went off to find her and when Kerri spotted her coming she swam under water and came out somewhere different in the pool.Its good to remember the good times.Another time she asked us to sponsor her doing a sponsored swim.She couldnt swim!!!!!!.Having sponsored her alot because she knew it wouldnt amount to much Kerri swam 27 lengths and she really hadnt swam before.Mums friend knocked and said pat youve got to come and see !!!! mum was broke!!!!.Ive stopped crying now, it works i promise.I fully understand the joy from planning your wedding has gone no one would expect any different im hear if you need to sound off and you need to take each day as it comes.My mum says it dosent get any easier you just wake up each morning and for a long while this is so.Only you will know if you can go ahead with your wedding and that decision does not need to be made for a good while yet.Take care and remember im thinking of you xxxxxx maria xxxxx
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OMG! I am so sorry to hear of your loss. If you feel like posponing your wedding...go head and do it. It's your time for mourning and take all the time you need. Your sister will be with you in spirit no matter what. Everything will get better and you will walk down that aisle to marry your sweetheart. I will keep you and the family in my prayers and thoughts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't possibly say "I know how you feel". It takes time, but it will get better. Don't try to think about the wedding plans right now. Spend time with your family and worry about it later. I am so sorry to hear about your sister and my prayers go out to you and your family.

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