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Any TTCer's out there?


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Originally Posted by foxytv View Post
I am on my first month of Clomid, and just started my 2WW ... so we will see if it takes or not. I sure hope so!

I haven't checked in on this thread in a while so I have a lot of catching up to do!
Hey ladies! I know I'm not on here much anymore, but I'm on FF (screenname Hopels) so would love to chat over there :) We're now on month 8 TTC, and just started month 2 with Clomid. We had a "chemical" pregnancy in December, which was totally depressing when AF came right before Christmas.

So, we're back at it again and trying to stay positive. My OB said to give it 3 months with Clomid, and if I'm still not pregos, he's sending me to a RE. So, I guess we'll see what happens!

Good luck to everyone and here's wishing for all the BFP's!
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Originally Posted by Jenn View Post
Hey ladies! I know I'm not on here much anymore, but I'm on FF (screenname Hopels) so would love to chat over there :) We're now on month 8 TTC, and just started month 2 with Clomid. We had a "chemical" pregnancy in December, which was totally depressing when AF came right before Christmas.

So, we're back at it again and trying to stay positive. My OB said to give it 3 months with Clomid, and if I'm still not pregos, he's sending me to a RE. So, I guess we'll see what happens!

Good luck to everyone and here's wishing for all the BFP's!
Jenn, I just pm'd you on ff the link to our bdw group :)
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Originally Posted by ErinB View Post
Hi ladies! We aren't TTC yet but I am becoming more open to the idea, instead of screaming and running in the opposite direction.

I just wanted to see what was up and wish you all luck for BFP's!
Hi Erin! Looking forward to when you join all of us! Hopefully some of us will be prego by then... it's a long road, but it's exciting.

Originally Posted by Bisha View Post
Hello ladies! As you can tell from my siggy, I'm no longer part of this club but, my best friend is.
Congrats Bisha - not much longer for you now. How has your pregnancy been so far?

Originally Posted by jamisoncollette View Post
I am finding fertility friend confusing! I feel like I am learning a foreign language. I wish I could go through all the tutorials instead of one a day. I told Dh it would be easier to get me drunk and take a ride on a Harley, I swear thats what worked last time wink.gif Lots of luck everyone, and no I'm not drunk. Actually, I have been watching what I eat. Are there fertility foods?
FF is very confusing at first. It's so weird. It's not as easy and user friendly as bdw. There's no mq function, you can't search, etc. it's like the same info gets asked over and over again, so it can be a bit annoying, but the charting is so fun and addictive :)
What's your name on there? You should come and join us all!

Good luck everyone! I know I haven't been on bdw much lately. I'm going to try to get back into it this week.smile29.gif
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Originally Posted by jamisoncollette View Post
I am finding fertility friend confusing! I feel like I am learning a foreign language. I wish I could go through all the tutorials instead of one a day. I told Dh it would be easier to get me drunk and take a ride on a Harley, I swear thats what worked last time wink.gif Lots of luck everyone, and no I'm not drunk. Actually, I have been watching what I eat. Are there fertility foods?
Are you using FF? You should definitely join our chat on there... What's your screenname on FF so we can send you a link?
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Originally Posted by jamisoncollette View Post
Same as here-"jamisoncollette" I know, I am very original:)
Hey there - I have no idea how to search that site. It's brutal compared to BDW. This is the best site!!! I miss its search functionality.

Hope you girls are all doing well!!!smile29.gif
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