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Any TTCer's out there?


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Originally Posted by ErinB View Post
Hi ladies! We aren't TTC yet but I am becoming more open to the idea, instead of screaming and running in the opposite direction.

I just wanted to see what was up and wish you all luck for BFP's!
Ohhhh Erin I can't wait until you join us in TTC land!
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Hello ladies! As you can tell from my siggy, I'm no longer part of this club but, my best friend is. Her and hubby have been TTCing for almost a year now. She got off the pill and they started trying about 3 months later. After several unsucesfull cycles and then a period that wouldn't start for 4 months, she went to the doc and found out she hasn't been ovulating, at all! Long story short, she's now on Clomid and actually got a positive ovulation on the pee test for the first time last month and we thought she was preggers only to find out she's not this past Sat. She's really a truper and staying positive and I'm trying to support her every way I can. I know it's tough for her and hubby, especially knowing that we'll have our little one in May and the road is still unknown for them sad.gif


I have to say that I read through this entire post and have a ton of useful info to bring back to her. I did have a question for Calia. Do you have a conception yoga tape that you do or an actual class you go to?

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Originally Posted by Bisha View Post
Hello ladies! As you can tell from my siggy, I'm no longer part of this club but, my best friend is. Her and hubby have been TTCing for almost a year now. She got off the pill and they started trying about 3 months later. After several unsucesfull cycles and then a period that wouldn't start for 4 months, she went to the doc and found out she hasn't been ovulating, at all! Long story short, she's now on Clomid and actually got a positive ovulation on the pee test for the first time last month and we thought she was preggers only to find out she's not this past Sat. She's really a truper and staying positive and I'm trying to support her every way I can. I know it's tough for her and hubby, especially knowing that we'll have our little one in May and the road is still unknown for them sad.gif

I have to say that I read through this entire post and have a ton of useful info to bring back to her. I did have a question for Calia. Do you have a conception yoga tape that you do or an actual class you go to?
Good luck to your friend. I do have to say it is hard to be cheerful around friends with new babies. Of course I'm not debbie downer but its nice that you know she's hurting inside but happy for you. Some people don't realize and get offended. Thanks for being a great friend. On the yoga I did regular yoga classes and was a friend with a yoga instructor for a while before I started doing yoga on my own. I can't afford classes right now and There are no yoga classes centered around fertility around here. So I have a fertility yoga DVD I do as my personal practice. But I did other yoga for a while before ttc. I'm glad too bc I got to learn before I jumped in by myself.
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I am finding fertility friend confusing! I feel like I am learning a foreign language. I wish I could go through all the tutorials instead of one a day. I told Dh it would be easier to get me drunk and take a ride on a Harley, I swear thats what worked last time wink.gif Lots of luck everyone, and no I'm not drunk. Actually, I have been watching what I eat. Are there fertility foods?

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Originally Posted by jamisoncollette View Post
I am finding fertility friend confusing! I feel like I am learning a foreign language. I wish I could go through all the tutorials instead of one a day. I told Dh it would be easier to get me drunk and take a ride on a Harley, I swear thats what worked last time wink.gif Lots of luck everyone, and no I'm not drunk. Actually, I have been watching what I eat. Are there fertility foods?
Avocados....hahahaha...actually it is true Avocados are good for women's fertility and figs are for guys. I just make a sandwich and put them on it. It's funny you said the drunk comment. My DH accidentally told his brother that we were TTC and he said "Just get her drunk and do her in the backseat" gee thanks BIL. Now every time he sees us he asks if we've done it in the car yet? What is confusing you on FF I'm sure one of us can help you out on it.
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