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Any TTCer's out there?


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Hi ladies!  I'm jumping in here a few months early but I have a question...er, maybe two! 


I'm getting married in 7 1/2 weeks (yay!) and will be going off BCP a few weeks after.  My gyn suggested I start pre-natal vitamins if I'm thinking of TTC.  This was last year so I didn't really give it much thought.  But now, as the time is approaching I'm wondering if there's a particular brand or whatever I should look for in the vitamins?  In general, I've always had a hard time taking vitamins.  I tried to take a multivitamin a few times over the past couple of years and I end up getting sick (cold and flu like stuff) so I just stop and start to feel better.  I think it's an overload of vitamins to my system, if that makes any sense?  Also, not helping my cause...I'm on a gluten free diet so the vitamins can't have any weird additives that might contain wheat.  (Sounds crazy but I've seen it in regular vitamins).


I've been on BCP for 14 years and prior to that my periods were very heavy with severe cramping.  I'm nervous how my body is going to react once I stop taking the pill.  I know everyone is different but how did all you long-term BCP'ers feel the first few months? 

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Hi Lea -

I don;t know about the vitamins that don't contain gluten or are easy to take because I don't have either of those problems, so I just buy the Costco generic that were approved by my doctor.  Their cheap and contain the same IU's for the important vitamins and minerals. I do know that it is mostly the Folic acid you need to be concerned about before and during pregnancy, so maybe you may find it easier to take a folic acid supplement alone plus a gluten free multivitamin seperately if you can tolerate it? Other people say taking your multi at night helps too...


I was similar to you before going on the pill, severe cramps and bleeding.  I was on the pill for 11 years before going off in August.  I'm going into my 4th month off, and I've only had one natural period (60 days after cycle day one of my pill withdrawl 'period') and it only lasted 2 days.


I personally don't think the hormones from the pill are out my system yet, and some people take more or less time to regulate, but I thought I would share with you my experience.


Good luck with your wedding, and future TTC!

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I dn't know anything about your restrictions either, but I know I had trouble taking vitamins until I went to Whole Foods and bought an all natural one.  I think the brand was "rainbow"?  I've also heard people say that taking them at night helps them not to feel sick from them...


Good luck!

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Originally Posted by mrs*j*2011 View Post

Hi ladies!  I'm jumping in here a few months early but I have a question...er, maybe two! 


I'm getting married in 7 1/2 weeks (yay!) and will be going off BCP a few weeks after.  My gyn suggested I start pre-natal vitamins if I'm thinking of TTC.  This was last year so I didn't really give it much thought.  But now, as the time is approaching I'm wondering if there's a particular brand or whatever I should look for in the vitamins?  In general, I've always had a hard time taking vitamins.  I tried to take a multivitamin a few times over the past couple of years and I end up getting sick (cold and flu like stuff) so I just stop and start to feel better.  I think it's an overload of vitamins to my system, if that makes any sense?  Also, not helping my cause...I'm on a gluten free diet so the vitamins can't have any weird additives that might contain wheat.  (Sounds crazy but I've seen it in regular vitamins).


I've been on BCP for 14 years and prior to that my periods were very heavy with severe cramping.  I'm nervous how my body is going to react once I stop taking the pill.  I know everyone is different but how did all you long-term BCP'ers feel the first few months? 

Hey Mrs j,


there is no such thing as vitamin overload, except in thec ase of vitamin A. The body will naturally get rid of the excess of vitamins you absorbed.


As regards prenatal, if youhave a hard time with vitamins, I suggest going for one that is only one a day. I also strongly suggets one that is "food-based" because absorption by your system will be better, which means technicallly a food-based vitamin does not have to contain as much vitamins as a non-food based one because your body will get more out of it.


A good "once a day" one is Rainbow light "once a day" (be careful they also have prenatal that are 3 a day). It is food-based, and because it's once a day it ends up not too expesnive (I recently refilled, got a 150 or 180 caps for 30 dollars that will take me throughout the whole remaining 5 months of my pregnancy).

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Thanks everyone.  I never associated taking vitamins with food.  It was always just a morning thing when I was growing up, regardless if I ate breakfast or not.  I'm going to check out the Rainbow Light prenatal.  Normally I don't care much about organic/natural stuff but it seems like the best way to go, particularly because vitamins and I have never really gotten along in the past.


Lindsey - thanks for sharing your experience post-pill.  I would imagine after so many years of consistently getting the hormones, it might take a few months to return "normal"...although there are those people who miss one pill and end up pregnant! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, sorry for some reason I wasn't getting the updates emailed to me so just saw this!


I can't believe how hard it can be either (not for us (yet!)...for the MANY couples I've heard from who have had so much difficulty conceiving...)

We spend much of our lives trying to NOT get pregnant and then bam, we want to and I think our bodies get us back or something, lol:-)

How did you appt go...? Any other glimmer of hope offered...?


We're in the midst of third time trying...

A couple weeks ago when AF came though, it was a BIG one..as in, a tidal wave...at work...it wasn't pretty...let's just say it was a VERY good thing I was wearing black pants that day:-) Yikes.

So, not sure what went on there...


We're not doing anything other than tracking my ovulation and timed intercourse...

I'm thinking we'll wait til the six-month mark of trying and then look into other options...I'm over 35 so after 6 months of unsuccessful trying, that's when they refer you to a specialist (at least where I live:-))


As for whether my cycles are consistent...no way! I don't think they ever have been:-)

I'm on day 20 right now and I still haven't ovulated, though according to the FM I'm at "high" fertility, so it's coming I guess:-)

I'll tell ya though...peeing on a stick get's pretty frickin' old, pretty frickin' fast:-)


Hope you're doing well?;-)

Originally Posted by carly View Post

Well, I'm still not pregnant that's for sure!  We stopped injections and medications in June I think and just continued with acupuncture for a few months until quitting that 1-2 months ago too.  Matt thought it would miraculously happen once we stopped "trying".  I think he finally sees that there's a problem so he mentioned going to get a SA (seman analysis) done and talking to the doctors again about what our options are.  So we have an appt next Monday to do both of those things.  I have a feeling they are going to tell us that IVF is the next step and we aren't there yet - mentally, emotionally or financially.  I'm hoping that we can maybe go back to one of the drugs (preferably in pull form!) that will stimulate ovulation so that maybe we can get my right side working instead of my left always ovulating.  I just can't believe it's been 1.5 years since our loss and we are still trying.  Who knew it would be this hard??!


Are you guys doing anything other then tracking ovulation and timed intercourse? 


Rereading the last few posts, I had to say that I'm on CD18 now and still haven't ovulated!  FF has pushed back my average day to CD20.  Just wanted to put that out there since you were worried about CD19 last time.  Have your cycles been consistent since starting the FM?

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Hey there! Just thought I'd weigh in with my experience...

I tried about three different kinds of prenatal vitamins and they ALL made me feel nauseous...

Well, actually, there was one kind that you're supposed to take three times a day that seemed to be okay, but like I'm going to freaking remember to take it three times a day...plus time it with food (I barely have time to pe at work, let alone find time for a couple meals, lol:-))

So my doctor told me to just get a folic acid vitamin/supplement, so that's what I've been doing...easy-peasy once a day and I don't feel sick:-)


Originally Posted by mrs*j*2011 View Post

Thanks everyone.  I never associated taking vitamins with food.  It was always just a morning thing when I was growing up, regardless if I ate breakfast or not.  I'm going to check out the Rainbow Light prenatal.  Normally I don't care much about organic/natural stuff but it seems like the best way to go, particularly because vitamins and I have never really gotten along in the past.


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Hi Ladies, I'm not sure I should be on this thread yet as we are not actually TTC yet.  Medical issues on my part have prevented our TTC to date.  However, I had a medical procdure earlier this month and if all went ok, then I will be cleared to TTC in March.  So in the interim, I'm gone off the pill and I'm taking prenatal vitamins and just staying positive that I will get the green light in March.  We are really hoping for a green light because I will turn 35 within the next year and of course that seems to be the magic age that makes it harder to TTC. 


I read back in the thread and I see we are not the only ones facing TTC issues.  Good luck to all of you who are trying.  I hope you all get pregnant soon!


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