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Do you ever feel kind of sad or lonely after you finish a really great book?


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I completely agree!!


I feel this way about the Twilight series actually :)



Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian View Post


It's like you've immersed yourself into the lives of the characters and then they are gone when that book ends. It's like missing a friend.


I always think that's the sign of a really great book.

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I know exactly what you ladies are talking about! When I'm into a book it becomes part of daily routine, part of my life. I definitely miss the characters and storyline when I'm done. My FI doesn't read much so doesn't really understand.


I'm a fiction junkie so I usually try to read some non-fiction in between -- something for work or a hobby. It helps me get over the end of the last book and gets me ready to read something new.

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I thought I was the only one that felt that way.... or at least I never really thought to express my feelings to others on the chance they just look at me like I'm crazy (which happens alot anyway, LOL). I hate it when a really good book ends and its even harder when its a series. I usually make up my own stories of "what are they doing now" in my head. I know it sounds weird, but it helps me get past that sad feeling of the story and characters being over.

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I'm such a book worm. I'm on my fifth book of the week. I'm like the pp who said they read alot of series. James Patterson keeps the same character in his books so I like his books. My favorite series though is Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind. Actually his first book has been made into a tv series which comes out in November on the WB. It's being made by the guy who did Spider Man. I'm really excited. There is about 12 books. They are AMAZING. My favorite! I hope the series on tv is as good as the book. But I doubt it.

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Originally Posted by Chiquita View Post
I completely agree!!

I feel this way about the Twilight series actually :)
Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
Me too because book 4 didn't answer all the questions but made more! Like how is Renesemee going to develop? (I hope that wasn't a spoiler, but I don't think I gave away much.)
glad I'm not the only one! I've actually had to go back and re-read all four of them (yes, I'm slightly crazy) just to regain some feeling of normalcy.

The Lovely Bones and Memoirs of a Geisha left me feeling similarly, I just got so caught up with the characters.
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Originally Posted by JaimeLynne View Post
Maybe that's what I need... a series!

Off to the local coffee shop to start a new one... have a few to choose from, which is so hard to do!
Ok, so even though I felt slightly like I was betraying the last book I finished, it definitely helped to get it out on here and I was able to pick up a new book!

Drum roll please....

"Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert

Ollie and I ended up sitting on the porch of our local Brewhouse enjoying the nice weather - he dined on his dinner while I had my own dinner and sipped on a couple cocktails ($3 @ happy hour - can't beat that for a nice little pick me up! wink.gif) and dove into my new book.

This author is not letting me down. I realized that the last book had truly inspired me, and this book is now taking that to a whole new level. The other books I have seem sad (The Pilot's Wife and another book by the same author) and I decided I just wasn't in the mood for that. This book is about a woman's travels from Italy to India to Indonesia. I'm only on page 40 or so but so far it is definitely what I needed to get over the void (doesn't this sound like a breakup?!? lol).

SO, cheers to our old friends and saludos to making new ones! cheers.gif
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