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Am I making a mistake?

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No, not about the wedding ... hehehe though I'm sure you thought it! ;-)


I mean for something much less important, but just as trivial: for my hair.

At the moment I hate my hair, it's long-ish, the color is disgusting, and I spend everyday with it tied up.


I made an appointment for this Saturday to chop it all off (to my chin) and change the color. Now, a few people have mentioned how silly I am to do this before my wedding as my hair won't have time to grow back, but I can't possibly leave my hair the way it is for the next 7 months.


So, this is how my hair is EVERDAY sans crown and sans drunken FI in the background LOL:

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And this is basically what my hair looks like ALL THE TIME when it's down ... sad.gif Flat and boring ... and the color is horrid:


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So I want some opinions girls ... if I chop my hair off to a style like this:

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(longer in the front then the back ... but with a side bang on top) ... will I regret it come my wedding day?


I'm torn!! sad.gif And sorry this is such a long post ... I'm just really unsure now ... even my hairdresser thinks I might regret my decision because she knows I'm going to get married next year!!

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7 months is a long time...and even though your hair will NOT grow back to the length it is now..if your willing to work with a different style for the day of the wedding I would GO for it!!

It will grow back to length long enough for it to be pulled back in some way..and what the hell..it's hair....it grows, and the people that work in the spa/salon..it's their job to make you look beautiful no matter the length/color! :P

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I would say color your hair for starters and get a good trim. Texturize your hair to get some lift and leave it alone for now.


Once it's gone, it's not coming back that fast!


BTW - I am totally considering one of the hair styles above after the wedding too!

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I can't tell you if you are making a mistake or not....

If you really think that you will like it; then go for it!

Imho, your hair is cute the way it is!


I can share my personal experience though.. bf I got engaged; I got the same hair cut u want (exact) and darkened my hair. I loved it for a month or so... now, its a lot of upkeep. Now, I am desperately trying to grow it out (bangs and short hair) and its a tough road!!! smile105.gif

My hair constantly looks terrible; I have to keep it up all the time. I personally am not wearing a veil and I can't picture myself without a veil and with short hair on my wedding day.

Alas, I wait for it to grow...


Either way, you have such a cute face - you will make a gorgeous bride! And worse case scenario, if you cut it and don't like it as your day get closer - get hair extensions!

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Being a hairdresser myself and a bride.. NOT good!! I did my similar post a few weeks back... I hate my hair and I finally have a month left before the wedding. I am used to changing my hair all the time because I get bored and it's what I do everyday in making someone up. I wouldn't go drastic as in what you are hoping for. Funny my hair is the same .. BLAH blonde with it being thin and again FLAT. I am going tomorrow to see my GF finally... Light foil for me to boost some color in and give it volume.. gotta love bleach... and then a slight layering..


7 months left.. you could go with about 2 or 3 inches off without freaking when it's your turn!!

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I agree with not cutting it just yet. I am in the same boat as you, with the daily hairstyle being a ponytail. And it looks like crap down unless I spend a long time curling it to look like I didnt do anything to it.


If you can picture yourself with that short haircut, in your wedding dress and everything else, then maybe you can do it. There is always the possibility of adding hairpeices the day of...


Although, my personal opinion would be to leave it alone. Perhaps get some super light highlights. In the winter I usually get a few super light highlights and then some low lights, and I feel like it gives me dimension. My hair is super fine and flat as well.


Orrrr, you could meet yourself halfway and get a long bob. Shoulder skimming, like Nicole Richie's hair last year, I could find some pics, if you want.


I actually posted some previlusly, cuz I wanted to cut my hair before my wedding too, but I ended up not doing it.

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I would try changing the colour first if you dislike it. Cause that you can change in time for the wedding!! And you never know maybe you will really love it and won't want to cut it! Loooove the pic with the crown and the drunk FI!! Haha so cute!

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Well ... despite everyone's warnings (sorry ladies) I either made a HUGE mistake ... or I don't know ... LOL


I didn't get THAT severe a cut ... and there's still a bit of length to it (no shaved parts at the back like the Beckham cut) but it is much shorter ... but the color is back to normal and I'm very pleased with the cut. I think it'll grow out JUST enough in the next 7 months and everything will be great for the wedding.


I'm sorry I didn't listen girls ... I promise I'll be behave myself next time...

Here's proof of my misbehaviour ... embarrest.gif


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