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Isla Mujeres Palace Resort

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I just got a small update- I was emailing Janina (I think she's in Miami) and she wrote this back:

The wedding planners are assigned 3 months prior the ceremony but Ms Maribel Blancarte can assist you in all the questions; she is in Mexico.


Her email is [email protected]


So I re-sent my questions to this Maribel and I hope to hear back soon! I will keep you girls posted when/if I learn anything. It sounds like if I am a polite but squeeky wheel I might get somewhere!


KBlocker- when is your wedding? I know SunshineG is 10/10 and I am 5/2 so I want to see what order we are all in! Looks like you might get to learn through me! Ahhhh!

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Well, I am getting married 4/25/09 at 5PM. We were originally going to do 6PM ,but I looked up sunset times and decided there might not be great lighting for reception pictures. Thanks fo asking Kristin928!


My coordinator is Rebeca Maldanado. She is very helpful and writes back very quickly to all of my questions. She is going to send me a link to the photographers soon she said so that I can pick which photographer we want. I will pass it on once I get it.


Here is something I found out of interest that they don't tell you. On the Palace Resorts website it says that the only two resorts that have to perform the ceremony in Spanish are Cozumel and Vallarta Palace. Rebeca told me though, that because it is an island we have to have the ceremony in Spanish or we can pay $80 for a resort worker to translate or $300 for a professional translator.


Also, I recently asked if we could write our own ceremony which I thought might be nice because I see a lot of girls do that and there are a lot of websites that have them written out already. She told me that we could write one and have the judge look at it but she would recommend a symbolic ceremony if we want to do that.


Let me know if you guys have heard any of this too!

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You two should look into sharing a photographer! Some might not be willing to do it, because it'd be a full week... but some would JUMP at the chance. So basically you guys could fly in a really great photographer to be your guest at the wedding for approximately $2,000 in airfare and hotel... and then split the costs.


Make sure you remember that option when you are presented with the resort photographers.


You could probably even find another bride who's getting married at a different Palace resort that same week and split the costs in three!

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Good morning ladies!

Wow- I sure got a ton of helpful information yesterday from Rebeca! She is the assigned wedding coordinator for Isla Mujeres as well as Le Blanc.

I also got the news that the ceremony would be in Spanish- and that we could hire a translator for $300. huh02.gif Ok, first of all, doesn't that seem silly to have your ceremony in Spanish and then repeated in English? I feel like it will loose a lot of the meaning since guests won't know what is going on! Do you agree? I have a good friend who will be at my wedding that speaks Spanish- maybe I can have him translate?


KBlocker- I am so excited we are getting married a week apart! I was looking at 4/25 as my other possible date but for family reasons we picked 5/2! That is too funny! We are literally in the same boat! How long are you going to be at IMP? I am arriving on 4/28.


SunshineG I got information on the catamaran!

Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.


Also, here is the alter that is included in the price (I was told when I was at Beach palace that it was $400 to set up the alter like this). So that's good news!!! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...es/elefant.gif

Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.


For more information this is what Rebeca wrote back to me (note it's the same information you can find on the website but she wrote notes after most of them with more detail)






Our Superior Wedding package includes the following:


§ Wedding on the Beach ( picture attached )


§ All document arrangements ( appointment with Dr for blood test ( please note that the translation and blood test are not included on the package. please consider for translations between $ 35.00 usd 1 page, $ 45.00 usd 2 pages $ 65.00 usd 3 pages , it will depend of the number of pages , in case the bride or groom has been married should bring the divorse decree with apostille, for blood test consider an estimate cost for $ $180.00 usd for both of you )


§ Justice of the peace The civil ceremony is in Spanish, if you would like a translator the estimate cost will be for $ 300.00 usd ( during the ceremony)


§ Marriage certificate (documents issued in Spanish)


§ White folding chairs ( picture attached )


§ Two table top flower arrangements for the gazebo 1 ( picture attached )


§ Bridal bouquet & Groomâ€s boutonniere 1 attached is the document , the bridal bouquet included on this package could be between R1 to R 10, if you prefer a different one a surcharge will apply, for botoniere could be between B2, B4,B5 , B6 or B7.


§ Large one-tier wedding cake ( for 30 people, for a bigger cake please consider $ 100.00 usd extra )


§ Manicure & pedicure (Bride )2 please for this contact to Elsa Mimenza at : [email protected]


§ Make-up & hair style (Bride)2please for this contact to Elsa Mimenza at : [email protected]


§ Two keepsake bathrobes with Palace Resorts Logo I will provide you at your arrival


§ Photo package A (36 pictures 4 x 6 + 1-6x8 + album) this package includes pictures from the ceremony and around 25 or 30 more minutes after or before the ceremony, I recommend you to have it before since after the ceremony all of you will be ridding the catamaran.


§ DVD of ceremony. this is during the ceremony and the photography session


§ A 1 hour and 30 minutes cocktail reception after the ceremony on a Catamaran sailing at the Isla Mujeres Bay , including Recorded Music, Hor Dâ€Oeuvres, Open Bar and Service3 consider $ 2.50 usd per person for gratuity, please note the package is for 30 people, after the person number 30 there will be a surcharge for $30.00 usd dollars plus $ 2.50 usd per extra person ( since person number 31rst)


§ Domestic champagne for guests attending the ceremony


§ Dinner reservations for the wedding party 4 The Dinner reservations will be at the restaurant, No Music, No dance. if you are interested in have a private event a surcharge will apply for $ 500.00 usd per table ( 2 hours ) .


§ Special breakfast in bed the morning after the wedding for bride & groom please find attach menu, you can choose menu number 1 and Mr. Long menu 6 for example.


§ Wedding Planner.


§ Witnesses if required


§ Late check out until 6:00 p.m. (upon request and subject to availability)


§ Honeymoon Package 5 pick it up at the front desk



She was very helpful and wrote back to many of my questions. I still have many more though. She gave me copies of the breakfast after the wedding and flower options so if you want those files let me know. I am not sure how to post PDF's on here yet but I will try to figure it out.

She did let me know that if I needed to upgrade my wedding cake (since we will have around 40 guests) that it would be an extra $100. So at least I get some credit from the cake in the Sunset Package. She told me there is a salon at the hotel and gave me the name of Elsa Mimenza to contact and book the hair & make-up apts with.

I read on other forums that you could just rent sound equipment and bring your own ipod to play music. Rebeca gave me a DJ sound equipment pricing list and the cheapest package is $1300! Do any of you know more about this? I want to be able to dance with my family/friends after dinner but I am not sure about the cost. My FI says we should just go into town and find a club- but that just seems tacky to me. I might look into the club/thing next door and see what they have going on. Thoughts? What are you girls going to do?

Sorry for the long post. Just thought you would want to know more since this resort is so unheard of!!!!!!!!

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How fun! I will be leaving on the 29th, so I will be there the first day you get there. We will have to make a point to meet at least.


Rebeca gave me the information to contact someone for sound equipment, but I had not contacted them yet. Is the dj included in the 1300 or is it just speakers and stuff? Not that it matters bc that is a crazy price even for a dj for a few hours. I don't think we will really do a reception with dancing and stuff- probably just some cocktails and then dinner and then probably go out or something because we probably won't have that many people. I think max we will have 30 and probably 1/3 will still drop out. Then we are having a AHR in June for the dancing and stuff. But I change my mind every other second.


What are doing for the ceremony and decorations? Are you bringing your own centerpieces or renting theirs or just doing the standard? And are you just sticking with the regular ceremony or doing something special? Plus how do we know what the normal ceremony is? So many questions.

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I feel just as lost as you! smile105.gif

- Yes we will have to at least meet before you leave. I would love to get your reassuring words that it will all be fine!

- I got a quote for the DJ stuff but that 1300 did include a DJ. I just want to rent speakers and sound equipment but need to see if that is even possible. If not, we might be seeking alternative forms of entertainment. My FI thinks we should find a club in town somewhere. I know there is a place next door that is loud but do you know what it is/what there is to do? That would be very convenient. I really want to do a reception with dancing but the price is escalating so quickly!

- I think we will have around 35-40 people. So far we have 23 booked.

- I am also doing an AHR in June (June 6th) but am trying to keep this more simple. I seem to care more about the Mexico side of things and the AHR is more of a formality for the family that can't afford to get to Mexico. I have 130 on my guest list for that so it's a pretty large party to plan.

- Ceremony decorations- not planning on anything. I do want my flower girl to have red rose petals though but I haven't gotten a cost for those yet. With the package I bought we get two flower arrangements at the alter. As far as centerpieces go, I have no idea yet. I might do nothing. I was thinking of doing placecards for the tables but I have no idea how the tables will be laid out. In the past I thought of doing a simple starfish or something. Again, no idea at this point. Like you said- so many questions and answers needed!

-Ceremony- I have no idea what goes on with this! I don't know what normal is. I don't want a symbolic ceremony because I want it to be a legal union. So far (in my mind at least) I plan on having the justice do his part, then add whatever he doesn't include- vows, sand ceremony and maybe a bible reading. I was thinking I would just add this onto the very end and then be declared husband and wife? I have a good friend who is bilingual so I am going to see if he can be my translator so I can wave the $300 fee. But I am going to try and push for an English speaking justice. They didn't advertise that it was Spanish only when I was booking the place and paying my deposit!

-The issue with all this stuff is that it has to be taken down to Mexico with us. I already plan on doing OOT bags and know there is a bunch of other stuff to bring (guest book, bridesmaids gifts, parents gifts, flower girl basket, etc) so I am going to be using my guests luggage as a way- but I can't take everything I want! Hum- just throwing out ideas- if we both agree on a centerpiece we can use- I would be willing to split the cost!


Thanks for your quick responses! I love that we finally have some answers now :)

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You are so lucky to get so many people who can go. We have had a lot of people weave in and out of going, a couple pregnancies, etc. But we still have our families and a couple friends which should be good.


Our at home reception is June 20th and I am actually putting a lot more effort into it because I feel that the Isla Mujeres wedding will be wonderful on its own. But I am starting to get nervous as I read more threads about things I have never thought about like programs, and OOT bags, and decorations, and guest books. I have started my OOT bags and yesterday bought beach mats for all the guests - my best buy yet- from pier one. They are extremely cute and roll up with handles to carry to the beach and right now they are on sale for 1 dollar (originally 10 dollars). Just giving you a heads up because it is cheaper than any towels I could find.


Okay- for the dj was your contact AV company, at [email protected] . because I only want speakers also. I have read the moon palace threads and I know they get that for free or else they just pay a little for speakers.


As for the ceremony, I need to research what a standard wedding ceremony incorporates. So I can personalize it some how.


As for decorations, I have a few ideas that I have been considering. I will attach some pictures later. but I have found a lot of stuff on sale right now. I do have pictures of the Palace standard centerpieces and of ones you can purchase that I will attach too.


I will get back to you after work with more info.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi girls,

I guess I don't really belong in this thread because I'm not getting married here...but I am having a small dilemma...I am getting married at the Aventura Spa Palace and we have already booked our stay for 10 days and our wedding ceremony time...and it is all paid off. We really liked the packages of the Palace resorts, and chose the Aventura because of the adults only feature (FI's choice). Now they have announced that the Aventura is going to allow children on half the resort...which I was upset about at first, but it actually works out for the best because I really wanted to have my cousin's daughter be my flower girl...and now she can! FI and I talked about changing resorts but decided it's not a big deal. Soooo, now that the adults only isn't a big deal, I want to change to the Isla Palace! I originally really wanted a beach ceremony and we comprimised on the resort and I ended up with a gazebo...it overlooks the water and it's not awful, but it's also not a beach.

So I haven't talked to FI yet, because I change my mind a million times anyway...but I really want to consider this. We are about to order our STDs and I'm putting it off for a few days so I can figure this out. I feel like switching to another Palace resort wouldn't be such a big deal since our TA is a member and stays at all of them, but I'm not sure. I'm literally just starting to think about this and I guess I haven't thought it all the way through.

I was REALLY excited to find others getting married here...there doesn't seem to be too many Palace brides other than the Moon Palace, and it has made me a little nervous.

So I'm wondering what you guys think? Should I consider this or should I just stick with what I have...?

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I think you will be well taken care of whichever resort you choose. I was worried with all the weddings at the moon palace also. I like Isla Mujeres because it is so much more private. I think it only has like 60 rooms but the downfall is it only has one restaurant.


I think you will have more options with Moon Palace but a more private time at Isla.


Let me know what you decide.

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Welcome! I was looking into Aventura but since we couldn't have children there I went to IMP. In May I went down to Mexico to check out Moon Palace and Isla Mujeres. I did enjoy Moon Palace but it just felt sooooo overwhelming and HUGE! We both loved the quiet feel of IMP. I have some other pictures that I took on my trip if you would like me to post them. We stayed at Beach Palace and only did the day trip over to IMP but I feel like we got to see most of the resort. The ferry took us right to the dock in front of the hotel so I got a few great shots of the resort from the water! I actually used that picture for my save the date cards (all the pics of my FI and I were of us in our swimsuits and I just didn't want THAT to be on everyone's fridge for the next year http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ies/blush2.gif )


Another website if you want to get good user review ideas is trip advisor. I think people post honest feedback on the resorts. Of course you can't take everyone's opinion because some people are MORE picky than others!


To all the other girls~

I have a small update on the DJ company. So I emailed them asking about the cost to just rent speakers and use my own IPOD for music. The cost was still $815.10! They charge you $190 to bring the equipment from Cancun to the island and back. They charge you 4 hours for a regular technician and another 4 hours for an AV technician. Oh, I asked them for pricing on 4 hours and figured we could go from there. They charge $35 and $45 for their hourly rates! Also, Rebecca told us that if we want dancing we have to pay for a Private Event, which adds another $2-3k onto the cost! At this point, I am going to look into options of maybe going into town to a small bar or club (if there is one on the island). Otherwise, my other ghetto idea was to go to Wal Mart once I was there and to buy a set of $100 speakers. Then we can bring them down to the beach and just party it up using our ipod. Again, just talking out loud and trying to come up with some fun ideas! It's tough to leave and head into Cancun because I don't want to take my wedding gown into a club where it will get stepped on! Plus then all the guests that are paying for the free alcohol will spend money to drink in the clubs. I think we will try to make the best out of the situation and stay at the hotel. There won't be many guests staying there and we can just take over the bar/restaurant area and hang out! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...lies/shots.gif

Thoughts? Am I crazy? I don't want to seem cheap since people are flying in from so far away but everything at the hotel is sooooooo pricey!

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