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my awful day ...

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Originally Posted by akh View Post
really it's a question of iw the association pays, or the guy upstairs. under most association rules, it would be the guy upstairs - i just don't know this association, since paul is the technical ownerof this condo, i just moved in with him last Fall. and he hasn't at all given us any trouble yet, i am just really hoping he doesn't.
i was in real estate for 12 years and i would be floored if this was an HOA issue. it is most likely a tenant/owner of unit issue...because it the tenant told the owner it was leaking but the owner did not take necessary repair then the owner should be liable...if the tenant did not tell owner then tenant should be liable...

Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post
Ann, you should just have your insurance take care of it. They will subrogate with whoever is resonsible, but you shouldn't have to deal with that stress.
whoa....if it were me, i would only contact MY insurance company as a last resort...because really, the owner/tenant should take care of everything. this is a wter issue and their have been cases where insurance premiums have gone up significantly because of water damage (the whole mold scare). thei have also been issues where if a home went up for sale and their was a water issue within the last 7 years, another insurance carrier would not insure the property, cancelling the sale...not saying this will happen but just use your insurance as a last resort.
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yea - paul talked to the owner upstairs, and he isn't fighting us at all. which is good - we just need to get moving and get this done! our insurance agent is paul's best friend - and he actually just stopped by for a whole seperate reason - and gave us some advice. so we're all good. this just couldn't be worse timing!


oh, and we get our first call from someone who is interested in renting the place - she called this morning! fabulous. yea, here, rent our place, don't mind the gaping hole in the ceiling.

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Wow - Ann - I'm so sorry. You know, right before we left for our wedding we found out we had a leak in our ceiling in a bathroom that we never use. It had leaked between the wall into the adjoining bedroom and there was mold. ACK!


Well, we called the builder - it was their defect (thank god) and they immediately came out and repaired it. When we got back from our honeymoon it was all fixed - you couldn't tell that anything ever happened.


But it was STRESSFUL while we were going through it. I kept telling the builder (who is GREAT), "but I'm getting married in 5 days!"


So sorry!

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Dang - sorry to hear! Good thing the developer took care of it - they're not always that accomodating!


Oh yea, update: the wood floor below where the mini-flood happened is ruined as well. And the guy upstairs isn't being great - he wants a "professional opinion" about where the leak started. So he's coming over Mon AM at 7:30 - he damn well better coorperate, or he will find out how nasty this midwest gal can get!

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