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Rant About My OB!! UGH!!!


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You are right Joanna! I have an appt next Tuesday and I am going to casually ask when they are going to test me for GBS and when they say they already have, I am going to ask why so early and that everything I hae read says it should be done between weeks 35 and 37. I will ask to be restested..If he declines I am going to talk to the doctor on call when I go in and deliver and ask when they normally test, show them I was tested 8 weeks too early and ask for the damn antibiotic just in case.


I am worried that if I ask my OB to test me again and he does that he may do a have ass job because he is annoyed I asked then I wont get an accurate reading.


I woke up at 1am w/ this on my mind and I can't go back to sleep. I don't want to have to worry about this!!

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Sometimes practices get busier as time goes by, but that is no excuse to let your bedside manner lag. If it was me I would be looking for a new Ob/Gyn regardless of how long I had been seeing them. I would also let their office know how I felt. Nothing will change if you just quit going and find a new Dr. You will just be another patient who disappeared. If you let your feelings be known at least you may save another patient from going through the same thing if the Dr. has any heart or just doesn't is not aware how his practice has changed.

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I would make a separate appointment just to sit down and talk with your doctor. Explain your concerns and that fact that you feel rushed during each appointment. Maybe he doesn't realize what he is doing. For him it is a piece of cake, but for mothers-to-be, it is all new. Before you dump him, talk to him.

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