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"Twilight" Series and Movie Discussion--WARNING! Spoilers!


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I just want to say I don't think sex is bad in a book. What I was saying was that from an LDS (mormon) stand point and their view on sex and her writing to a younger audience she was sucked in by critics and the media to put sex in the books. One of the friends I mentioned before let her 8 year old read them and to me that's kindof young. But she didn't read the books before hand and didn't know there would be all the sexual tension that there was. Yes sex after marriage is good to teach but there was sexual tension before they were married. (Not that that is bad hell I lived with my FI before marriage) It's not my view on things AT ALL. But Stephenie Meyer's view from her religion standpoint is.


All I was saying is it's surprising to me that she didn't keep to her morals when writing the books which is fine. I'm a writer too so I understand. But I still wouldn't let me 8 year old read them. My whole point is I didn't agree with letting children read the book soley based on the fact of her religion. B/c she didn't carry her religious moral's into the book. That's it. Sorry I'll stop rambling.


They are addictive I agree. I read all 4 within a week too. But I read super fast. About 5-7 books a week. (Which reminds me about the book club thread) hmmm. Maybe we should read twilight. It's on the list.

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I understand where you are coming from Calia. However, just to play the Devil's advocate wink.gif writers don't always write from a viewpoint that necessarily agrees with their own beliefs. Writing allows you to exlore the unknown and juxtapose your own beliefs against that of what you are writing. You can even argue that when you explore the beliefs of what you are "against," you may become more familiar or solid in your own. (Not that I think this is what Meyer was doing. She may have slipped the sex from pressure, but maybe her views on sex aren't exactly parallel with Mormon beliefs. There are many that practice a particular religion but do not agree 100% to everything.)


As for parental content, well just with everything, parents have to be informed. I certainly know that when the day comes, I will have certain shows and stations blocked because I don't ask society to censor for me. I know not everyone takes that approach, but it's not hard to research the content of a particular book. Granted, they could have started one-three and found 4 to be a little out there. But I don't know if I would let my child read a "vampire" book if they were too young to understand the hints of sexual tension.

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Originally Posted by KAMAY11 View Post
Hmmm...This has me intrigued...I LOVE to read, but I am not a big "fantasy" person (I haven't ever read any of the Harry Potter books...) I usually read crime, mystery and Nicholas Sparks as I do like a good love story....
I wonder if these books are available in Canada? I have never heard of them before...
Kaylee- I'm not a harry potter fan and I used to make fun of some of my friends that read the series. Just being a literary snob. wink.gif Anyways, it's not really fantasy. It's modern day society (a small town in Forks, Wa) where "teenage" vampires try to blend in. It's nothing too out there that you can't wrap your brain around- which is kinda how I felt when I tried to read Harry Potter. I couldn't keep up with all the weird words.
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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
I agree! I read A LOT too! I was an English major for goodness sake! At first, I thought I was kinda stupid for reading young adult but then I realized that I was not alone.
haha, I was an English major too, go figure!

I never let the young adult thing turn me away, I gladly read all the Harry Potter books even though they are targeted at 8-10 year olds.

I will agree that an 8 year old reading the Twilight series is a little young (they are geared towards 12 and up, if you take the Young Adult label seriously), but I can't really say much..I snuck reading Flowers in the Attic when I was 9

And to answer Kaylee's question, yes, they are most definitely available in Canada, run out to Chapters (or SUperstore, or Costco, they are really everywhere!) right now! Kidding
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Totally obsessed! I bought the first one at the airport in Toronto...finished it by the time my flight landed in Honolulu...and bought and read the last three books while on vacation! I couldn't put them down! One of the best love stories I have ever read...I'm sad that the story has ended...the book that I am reading now seriously pales in comparison! *sigh*

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You should put a spoiler warning on the first post!!! LOL


I'm only on the third book and I'm absolutely obsessed with the series as well. I love her style of writing and Bell and Edward's relationship is so intense ... it's just amazing ...


I've missed having a good vamp series to read since Anne Rice went all weird and non-vampy ... *sigh*

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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
I understand where you are coming from Calia. However, just to play the Devil's advocate wink.gif writers don't always write from a viewpoint that necessarily agrees with their own beliefs. Writing allows you to exlore the unknown and juxtapose your own beliefs against that of what you are writing. You can even argue that when you explore the beliefs of what you are "against," you may become more familiar or solid in your own. (Not that I think this is what Meyer was doing. She may have slipped the sex from pressure, but maybe her views on sex aren't exactly parallel with Mormon beliefs. There are many that practice a particular religion but do not agree 100% to everything.)

As for parental content, well just with everything, parents have to be informed. I certainly know that when the day comes, I will have certain shows and stations blocked because I don't ask society to censor for me. I know not everyone takes that approach, but it's not hard to research the content of a particular book. Granted, they could have started one-three and found 4 to be a little out there. But I don't know if I would let my child read a "vampire" book if they were too young to understand the hints of sexual tension.
I wasn't sayin anything bad about the author. She's an author and can write whatever she wants. I was only talking about all the parents our there that are LDS who judged the book by the author. I'm an author . I should say I'm a published author so I totally understand writing from different viewpoints. I do it in my writing. I like to write from the other side of things. It makes it fun and you learn more. So that's totally fine. I wasn't saying she should keep sex out of books at all. Just that people were judging her based on her religion and reading them based on that fact. Sorry I make no sense and am again rambling. I'm thinking we should make a thread discussing what we like and don't like about the book. I think I might of spoiled and gave stuff away to people who haven't finished. I'd love to discuss some other stuff. Especially that name. UGH! How do you even pronounce it?!?!
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