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"Twilight" Series and Movie Discussion--WARNING! Spoilers!


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I went this weekend! And I must say Team Jacob was really calling me over!!!! I am still on team Edward, but Bella is one lucky girl to have those two after her! I did feel that this movie didn't really show the love Bella & Edward have for one another as much as the book did. It felt rushed too, they could have made it a bit longer and fit in some of the missing parts from the book.


I really did like the movie....much better than the first. And it wasn't too busy there were no lines anymore which was a plus.


Even though it wasn't a full theater some girls still squeeled when Jacob took his shirt off! (one of them was a girlfriend of mine! LOL!)

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ok..So I Finally Watched Twilight on DVD (Didn't see New Moon Yet) and you are all right.

If I didn't read the book and know the Passion & love these two have for each other, I would have thought this was just another teen romance. They Left so much out and although I will probably watch it again (just because) I am glad I didn't see the movie first :) They also changed the story too much. I was mad!


I finished Breaking Dawn last night and here is my weigh in:


1. It was really crazy..LOL & I think they spent way too much time on her being pregnant. It was half the book!


2. I did like getting to read from Jacobs Perspective & I didn't realize he was going to be imprinting on Nessie until he saw her for the first time. I had no clue before that.


3. WTF was up with all the preparation for the Volturi & the fighting & in the end, no one fought? I think this could have went a different way and I was a little dissapointed :-(


4. I agree that Edward had no bonding time with his daughter. There should have been a chapter at least about the 3 of them bonding as a family.


5. I am happy that Charlie is still in the picture and he knows something. However, I think they had him take the news about Jacob WAY too well..LOL It was like "ok, that's weird, I don't want to talk about it anymore"..LOL


6. Although Bella was able to control her "thirst" better than most new vampires...They just let her meet too many humans after that, without even touching on the fact that the smell of their blood was probably hurting her. Like when she went to meet with that lawyer guy. It was just weird.


7. All in all...I Loved this series. The first book still & always will be my favorite. New Moon was a little boring, but that is because I totally love Edward and he was gone :-(...Eclipse pissed me off when her & jake kiss and she realizes she is in ":ove" with him too..WTF?? I thought you had the love of your life? You have two? It just anoyed me and it made me more mad that Edward was kind of understanding about it

& Breaking Dawn was ok...I am glad it was long, but I feel like if this was really the end, I wouldn;t feel so dissapointed..LOL. I totally think she can get another book or two out of this. We can follow the cullens and see what happens to Nessie and Jake and see if that other Half Vamp/Half Human tries to fight Jake for her when she grows up. I really think she shouldn't have ended this & I'm upset..LOL I want more! I guess I can still look froward to seeing New Moon and the rest of the movies, but Stephenie Meyer wasn't kidding when she said Breaking Dawn is going to be a tricky movie to make! OMG..Can't wait to see how they do that :)


Ok..I am done. I plan to go back & read through this thread for the names of the other Vampire books you girls have recommended. I am totally hooked now :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I avoided this thread until I finished reading all of books...I just finished Breaking Dawn over the weekend. Whew, that was a long book! I am going through withdrawals! sad.gif Meyer totally can write a few more books going with Nessie/Jacob storyline!!


Like others, I didn't get into Twilight madness until this past October. Omg, I can't believe I missed out!! I watched the movie first before reading the books. I had told one of my friends that I watched Twilight and turns out she's a die hard fan and had all of the books so I borrowed them from her.


By far, Eclipse is my favorite book! I was originally Team Jacob because I felt Edward was too "cheesy" for me but now I'm on team Switzerland! I liked the love triangle between Bella and two guys...I mean if there wasn't no love triangle then it'll be boring! How cool is it to have a vampire and half werewolf fight for you? I totally loved the part with all of them in a tent. That was hilarious. I felt so bad for Jacob that Bella kept blowing him off for Edward...I guess i'm one of few that like Jacob even though he was a brat in Eclipse but he meant well and he loved Bella very much.


Breaking Dawn was just another whole story. I wasn't too thrilled with the storyline but then I went with it. I didn't expect that Jacob would imprint on Bella's daughter. In the end, I'm glad Jacob will be always in Bella's life like he originally wanted.


As for the movies, Twilight was cool. New Moon seemed too slow for me. Kirsten Stewart really needs to improve her acting. I feel it's one sided. I just LOVE Ashley Greene as Alice...they got that part down perfectly. She's just too cute. Nikki Reed is pretty but they could have picked another actress for Rosalie. I like Jackson as Jasper...everyone else is great! Taylor is JAILBAIT YUMMY! S&M.gif


Thank god I'll be too focused on my wedding...Eclipse comes out few weeks after my wedding! Haha.


Anyone know what's up with Breaking Dawn? It would be really great to have it split in two movies. Two 2 hours movies are good with me!!

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I actually heard that she is going to split that last book up into two movies.

That would be pretty cool

I got the whole book set of the Twilight Saga for Christmas and I was so excited. I borrowed all 4 of the books when I read them, so now I can read them again anytime I want and believe me, I will!! LOL

It's funny because I am a big reader..I go from book to book and its been really ahrd for me to get into another "normal" book, now that I still have Twilight on my brain sad.gif I guess I need more time for it to wear off! LOL

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I just finished the whole series last week. I didn't even pick them up until after seeing New Moon. My FMIL is obsessed with vampire stories and had read them 3 times and told me the entire story before I ever started reading them so I already knew what was going to happen. However I was pretty much a zombie for 2 weeks while reading this series because it was so amazingly good and I couldn't put it down, I tried to make myself slow down because I didn't want it to end. I then re-watched Twilight and think the movies are still good because remember there is only so much you can do when changing a book into a movie but I couldn't believe how fast everything in the movie was moving.


Phillybride I know what you mean about needing to get Twilight off your mind. I tried to pick up another book to read a couple days ago and I just can't do it yet I haven't gotten over twilight yet, haha.

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I have been avoiding this thread and the whole Twilight thing for that matter. I am a HUGE reader, but I never had a desire to read any of the books or watch the movies. *Until* DH came home one night with the Twilight movie. I was like why in the hell did you rent that movie? Well we watched it and of course I fell in love with the movie.


I went out immediatly and bought the first two books. I read all four books in a week and a half. I even called in sick to work one day so that I could read the third book. (shhh dont tell my boss) I love loved loved the books. I made DH take me to the Movie theaters to watch the second movie on christmas eve. I dont think that the movies do the books justice, but the books are so great I dont know how they could.


Needless to say I feel like I am going through Twilight withdrawls. This is sad to say but Im almost a little depressed that the books ended.


Anyways, I am team Edward all the way. But then I saw Jacob in the 2nd movie, and OMG I told DH that if Jacob ever decided that he wanted me for some reason, DH would just have to suck it up and let me go, lol! It looks like I have missed all the chatter on the books, which totally makes me sad, but its my own fault for avoiding the craze.

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We were talking earlier about how the New Moon movie left out the talk about imprinting....I just read New Moon again and started Eclipse. The imprinting stuff doesn't come in until Eclipse. So I guess that's why it wasn't in the movie. (I was sure it was in New Moon - But when you read all books back-to-back you really lose track of when one begins and the other ends)


I totally agree with the lack of emotions in the movie compared to the book. You really didn't see how strong Bella & Edward's love really was, as well as how strong her bond with Jacob really was. In the book, Bella tries to convince herself that maybe she should be with Jacob, even if the love she feels for him isn't the same as with Edward but she still loves him. (When they almost kiss in the truck) I guess it would be hard to show her thoughts in a movie, but you'd think with good acting the actor would get that across?

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I am also a huge fan of the series and didnt read them to just before twilight came out into the movie theaters.. im am going to stop there about the actual book or i could go on for like 2 hours about this crazy obsession.. but i did want to point out.. i dont know about you girls but i think there is two kinds of people when it comes to the series.. the ones who have no interest in reading it or the ones that have read and are OBSSESED.... i dont think i have ever met anyone who was like yea i read it it was ok.... no its either u never read it or you read it and cant get enough.... hahaaa... sorry i just had to say that..

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  • 2 months later...
Originally Posted by stacey View Post
I have been avoiding this thread and the whole Twilight thing for that matter. I am a HUGE reader, but I never had a desire to read any of the books or watch the movies. *Until* DH came home one night with the Twilight movie. I was like why in the hell did you rent that movie? Well we watched it and of course I fell in love with the movie.

I went out immediatly and bought the first two books. I read all four books in a week and a half. I even called in sick to work one day so that I could read the third book. (shhh dont tell my boss) I love loved loved the books. I made DH take me to the Movie theaters to watch the second movie on christmas eve. I dont think that the movies do the books justice, but the books are so great I dont know how they could.

Needless to say I feel like I am going through Twilight withdrawls. This is sad to say but Im almost a little depressed that the books ended.

It looks like I have missed all the chatter on the books, which totally makes me sad, but its my own fault for avoiding the craze.
Well don't worry because the Craze will be starting up again soon! Eclipse should be coming out soon (I think) and not long ago they announced that they will be doing a Breaking Dawn movie, but it will actually be split into two movies, so that would be awesome!

The Twilight withdrawls are the worst! I was just able to really get into another book, and guess what that book was? The Host! hahahaha Still Stephanie Meyer, but no vampires.
I read all of the booked in two weeks time (it would have been sooner but I borrowed the last two books and she kept forgetting them at home! lol)...I ate, slept and thought this story the WHOLE time...it was always on my mind. I def thought it was just me until I started talking to other people and realized that this happens to most of us :)
And then it ends and you're just like....WTF :-( Now what? lolmonkey.gif

Originally Posted by jackobelle View Post
We were talking earlier about how the New Moon movie left out the talk about imprinting....I just read New Moon again and started Eclipse. The imprinting stuff doesn't come in until Eclipse. So I guess that's why it wasn't in the movie. (I was sure it was in New Moon - But when you read all books back-to-back you really lose track of when one begins and the other ends)

I totally agree with the lack of emotions in the movie compared to the book. You really didn't see how strong Bella & Edward's love really was, as well as how strong her bond with Jacob really was. In the book, Bella tries to convince herself that maybe she should be with Jacob, even if the love she feels for him isn't the same as with Edward but she still loves him. (When they almost kiss in the truck) I guess it would be hard to show her thoughts in a movie, but you'd think with good acting the actor would get that across?
In New Moon (the Movie) I think the only reference Bella makes to imprinting is when she finally gets to see Jacob after he was ignoring her for weeks and she was like, "You cut your hair, & got a tattoo??" lol That is all I remember of her speaking of it.
Your right, it would be hard to really show her thoughts and love for Edward, but I think alot of that has to do with Kristen Stewart. I hate that she is Bella & i think she can't act. If you ever seen her in interviews..It's like watching Bella...She just plays herself..lol
I think you totally get how much Edward loves her because Robert pattinson really brings that out. You can feel his love and with her...She just breaths heavy and looks terrified the whole time.

Originally Posted by chrissytina924 View Post
I am also a huge fan of the series and didnt read them to just before twilight came out into the movie theaters.. im am going to stop there about the actual book or i could go on for like 2 hours about this crazy obsession.. but i did want to point out.. i dont know about you girls but i think there is two kinds of people when it comes to the series.. the ones who have no interest in reading it or the ones that have read and are OBSSESED.... i dont think i have ever met anyone who was like yea i read it it was ok.... no its either u never read it or you read it and cant get enough.... hahaaa... sorry i just had to say that..
I agree, although I have met a few people who read it and they were like. "I don't get the hype".
I don't know how you can read these and NOT get obessed. Especially because there are so many of us on this thread and just other people I have talked to, that felt the same way when starting this series. Everyone got so drawn in, and addicted to these books. We had trouble putting it down and then we had trouble getting over the fact that it's over!
Although, I still feel that she will continue this Series at some point...But that may just be wishful thinking..LOL

I got the whole set for Christmas and I can almost Guarantee that I will be re reading this whole series at some point, before the end of this year :)
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