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"Twilight" Series and Movie Discussion--WARNING! Spoilers!


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Originally Posted by Jenn79 View Post
Team Switzerland here, and proud of it. But not because I can't choose between the two of them. I don't see how there needs to be a choice made. Bella is in love with Edward. End of story. She loves Jacob too, but as a friend, a brother. I never once felt that she would choose Jake over Edward, nor that she should have to be forced to make that choice. They are both important in her life, and would always be no matter what happened.

K, off my soapbox on the Team side of things...onto New Moon!

Our theatre did a 10pm showing last night, in 6 of the 16 theatres, and they were all packed. My mom and I showed up at 7:30 to wait to get in, and the line was already twisting outside the doors from the inside. An hour and a half later, we were let in. I later found out there had been girls waiting since 8 yesterday morning...crazy!

Needless to say, I loved it. Really loved it. I have a love/hate thing going on for the movie version of Twilight, but none of that for New Moon. It's amazing how a different director can make such a completely different impact. Bravo Chris Weitz is all I have to say.

Alice is so my favourite character, Ashley Greene seriously has the part down to a Tee.
The wolves were all perfectly cast, I don't think they could have done a better job casting wise if they tried. Loved them!
Also loved the Volturi, especially Aro. He really nailed his delivery, part loveable part creepy. Just awesome.

I know I could go on and on but I won't, you don't need to hear it all. I'm already planning on going again Monday night with my mom, she's dying to see it again too!

Now...just seven months-ish until Eclipse!
SOOOO excited. Im going on Sunday yayayayay! Thanks for your review!
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Originally Posted by future_mrs2010 View Post
how was dakota fanning?!?
oh she was great. Never doubted she would be though, that kid has some crazy acting skills. I saw her in an episode of CSI when she was like four and her talent then was just incredible. She's the perfect Jane.
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Originally Posted by Jenn79 View Post
oh she was great. Never doubted she would be though, that kid has some crazy acting skills. I saw her in an episode of CSI when she was like four and her talent then was just incredible. She's the perfect Jane.
Awesome. I totally love her. SHe is outstanding!
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Originally Posted by ErinB View Post
Dakota Fanning was really good, but it was a really small part. She was on-screen for maybe 10 minutes?
Yeah, that disappointed me a bit, I was hoping for more of her. Kinda adds to the anticipation for the next movies though, we know they'll be back, and what they are capable of.
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So DH and I went to see New Moon this afternoon and I thought generally it was done much better than the first movie. I felt it followed the book a lot more closely, minus the imprinting which I wish they explained but I have a feeling they're saving that for Eclipse maybe.


Anyhoo, here are some of my observations/thoughts from today's outing:


- Kristen Stewart is better in New Moon but that's still not saying much, I feel like she over acts certain things. Like when she's having nightmares after Edward leaves her and she was screaming like someone was stabbing her in the stomach. That's just not how I imagined that when I was reading the book.


- Edward's makeup just looked AWFUL, imo. I thought they made him look pretty ugly in this one, he looked much better in the first movie.


- Taylor Lautner's performance as Jacob was pretty damn good, he definitely did the character justice and the other wolves were so perfectly cast. There were many points in the movie where I smiled and thought to myself that they portrayed it exactly as I had envisioned it in my head when I was reading the book, so yay! :)


- Though it was a small part, Dakota was perfect as Jane...loved it!


- You girls were right, Rob Pattinson has some weird nipple-age going on there rofl.gif wtf?


- When Edward first appeared on screen at the beginning, girls were cheering out loud! lol Some screamed in unison "We love you Edward!" Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the books but that gave me secondhand embarrassment lol. I was really happy when some guy shouted loudly "shut up!" after that haha.


- More hooting & hollering from girls in the theater when Jacob takes off his shirt to wipe Bella's blood from her forehead lol.


- Did anyone else notice that in the first Twilight movie, Jasper speaks with a plain accent and in New Moon he all of a sudden has his "Southern Gentleman" accent that he should have had in the first movie due to his backstory of coming from the South originally? I'm glad that they made the change but it irked me that they didn't do it for the first, wtf? I did a double take when I heard it today!


- I thought the old lady dream scene was well done, so that pleases me.


- The girl they cast to play Emily was perfect.


- They cut out the part about how Bella ends up with the motorcycles, not a big deal but still, I don't see why they couldn't keep it...oh well.


Hmmm, I'm sure I had more stuff but it's late so that's all I have for now.


Totally unrelated but I just picked up this book called Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick and I am really liking it so far....if any of you are looking for some new stuff. wink.gif

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Originally Posted by ErinB View Post
Jenn, what did you think of the fight scene? I wasn't really a big fan. I don't know that we needed more action and it didn't further the plot. I would rather those 3 minutes been spent at Sam's house explaining imprinting!
To be honest, I could take it or leave it. I didn't hate it, but didn't find myself saying, "oh yeah, this is great" either. I would have rather had more time with the wolves, or the scene from the plane ride home. But it didn't take anything away from the movie, and it did let us see what Felix and Dimitri could be capable of. I guess they threw it in there for the boys in the audience wink.gif
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