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people seem to never put themselves in other peoples shoes. just breathe and remember that most of the time people wont be sitting they will be dancing and socializing. and your day is all about you and your FI... so they just have to deal with it!!!

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  • 1 year later...

I wouldn't be surprised if this has happened to everyone of us BDW brides. I think it's just horrible that people cannot respond. We were having just our immediate families, which came to only 11 of us. One, of my many cousins, told my mother that he and his wife would really like to go, so we decided to go ahead and send them all an invitation, knowing that the majority of them would not come, being the weekend before Christmas and a lot of them having kids with no passports, etc. Anyway, we went out and got some invitations and sent them out to 10 different families. In addition, I sent personal emails explaining what we were doing, certain info about flights and which ariport to fly into, etc. We were given an awesome room rate at the hotel ($119/night) and I just wanted them to know the facts before making their decision. I only heard from 3 of the 10 that they could not make it. Now, I was starting to fume because not only have they received a personal email but an invitation, as well. I never expected anyone to come, but I thought they could have at least responded to the email with a congratulations or something. One day I was on Facebook and saw that 4 of the 7 that had not responded yet, were all communicating on Facebook, so I wrote by my name "what is up with my relatives that are always on the computer but can't respond to personal emails". Immediately, 2 people contacted me wanting to know what they had done. Unfortunately, they were 2 of the ones that had already responded. After a couple of hours, I felt badly for doing that, so I went in and deleted it. Yesterday, I received 2 chain letters/ jokes, etc. emails from the cousin that said they wanted to go, but still no response to the personal email I sent nor my invitation, so, I went back and found my email and forwarded it to her asking if she had seen this email and that I was thinking she might not have seen it since she never responded. Well, within 10 minutes she called and said that she and her husband were going. I was just shocked because they had to pay a little over $1,000 for the two of them - just for their airfare.


Sorry ladies, for this being so long - but not responding or rsvp'ing is just a pet peeve of mine. Keep in mind, that the point was NOT to pressure anyone into coming (you wouldn't want someone there that didn't want to come), but the point was - why can't they respond to something personal when they are on the computer on a daily basishuh.gif So, as you can see, it's happening to a lot of us.

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Wow! Patti what a story. That's not cool. I guess what they say is true...your wedding is only really important to you and your FI. People forget that weddings cost money and you can't show up - especially to a destination wedding. Well if I were you, I would just not assume the guest list final until the day of. A friend who got married in Jamaica this summer had people not show up the day of which I thought was rude. Try not to sweat it. If people show up and they don't have an assigned seat and they didn't RSVP then that's on them. The thing with destination weddings is that people want to come, would like to come, but probably know they can't and either don't want to admit it or want to hold on for hope incase something happens. Either way they should just RSVP. Hang in there and please enjoy the days running up to your wedding. As I'm told the day will fly by so fast. I'm inviting people who I know are not going to come and I'm very ok with that. $3 for an invitation is much better than $150 per head for the wedding.

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  • 10 months later...

I am in the same boat with the RSVP thing,, i have sent out the stds with my TA information, so far , even if they have not responded to my invitation i know , counting my fiancee and i are 24.

I decided not to stress anymore, the less people that come, the more i can spend on my actual wedding day , i could even have the private poolside reception !

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