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Newlyweds: Did you gain weight after your wedding?


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God, yes. Sadly. I worked my butt of before the wedding and lost a little over 10 pounds and thought my body looked awesome.


Now, nothing fits anymore and I don't even feel good. About 15-pounds since April, although it doesn't look like that much.


I broke my foot in July and that was as good an excuse as any to keep staying away from the gym ... but I HAVE to get back in the groove. I want to be in good shape when I get pregnant so it's not extra hard to lose the baby weight after childbirth ... on top of just simply needing to get this extra "married weight" back OFF.


DH has gained some weight since DW too ... but only a few pounds.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ABSOLUTELY. I totally told myself I wouldn't do that either sad.gif Between "relaxing" the workouts and eating when we got back....summer parties....and then 2 weeks in Italy....I'm the more than 5 and less than 10! I can't believe it! I'm working really hard though now that we are back from the honeymoon to lose it all. I gave all of my pre-wedding weight loss clothes to my mom to wear (yeah that nut is so tiny) and none of my skinny clothes are fitting! I refuse to ask for them back...ha ha.....so back to the gym and no dessert or wine for me.

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I got married a little over a year ago. I gained a crap load of weight. I lost a lot prior to the wedding. Then, I managed to put it all back on and more. LOL, my head was looking like a bowling ball. I decided to go on a diet prior to my one year anniversary trip. LOL, I had to get into my vacation clothes and my hot mama bikinis. I started dieting hardcore with the help of Alli (15 grams of fat/meal). Plus, I worked out 15-20 minutes/day about 6 days/week. I would run 1 mi in the morning and 1 mi in the evening. I was able to drop the weight (25+ lbs) and then some. I've been a little lazy lately, but the weight hasn't come back. I also eat more normal now (i.e., more than 15 grams of fat/meal). Actually, I lost 5 more lbs.

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