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Newlyweds: Did you gain weight after your wedding?


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We have been married for a little over 3 weeks and I swear I have gained at least 5lbs since our wedding - first it was all the yummy Honeymoon food but now that we have been back I am in full chow mode ban.gif.


EVERYTHING looks good - what the hell? popcorn.gif

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OMG, I totally know what you mean. I honestly can't tell you what I am doing differently then before the wedding. But I've put back on what I lost before the wedding, 8 lbs, plus a few more! It's grossing me out and I am hoping the BL will help me get back on track.


I think since I am eating the same, it must be the lack of wedding-related-stress coupled with the always-lack-of-exercise.


And everytime I post, I have to laugh at my ticker. Cuz 19 lbs is WISHFUL thinking for me. That would get me back to skinny days and not sure that's possible anymore, since my body is so different then it used to be when I was that thin.

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I think we have spent so much time trying to lose weight for the wedding and now that it is over, there is a little room for slacking off. I know I ate 10 oreo cookies yesterday! And at my age, it is so much harder to get rid of the weight. Maybe I can get back on track now that I am back to work.

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So lets see...I've gained about 16 pounds in the 14 months I've been married. ugh. I really do think that with the pressure and stress of an upcoming wedding gone, you tend to relax a bit more. All I know is that I have to get back to watching what I eat and get back to the gym.

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