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I feel like no one is coming to the wedding...


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I'm so giddy I found this thread. Just last sunday, I sadly clicked on my excel spreadsheet/guestlist to read 7-booked, 32-maybe, 22-no. The pathetic part is that I personally paid for 4 of those tickets. I spent the next 2 days crying to myself thinking I was the most un-popular, unloveable, short, and fat gurl on the planet.


Then Tuesday, my sister calls me and tells me she found airfare for half the price it's been at for months. I spread the news and now I have 24-booked! I'm ecstatic (did I spell that right) There still are a few people that I want to attend (ie. my brother and his wife, my mom who just had knee surgery, and my FBIL and his fam), but the reality is that the only person that I should cry over is my FH. He's committed to us, our future, our 2-week holiday on a tropical island and giving hugs whilst whispering , "everything will be alright" in my ear.


As for the guests, I'm disappointed that many of my lifelong gf's will not attend.....they have babies at home. I'm sad that my gf's that are attending will leave their partners at home..who will be on my dancefloor. These are minor concerns. I know the people that are coming are taking time off from their everyday lives to share this special moment. As for the ones that can't make it, we'll bombard them with a BBQ and slide-show.

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I think I am having the opposite feeling. My FI's family has been a royal pain in the butt and there are about 10 of them coming that I could probably do without.

However I have keep in my mind that my FH and I wanted a small wedding and as long as he and my parents are there I will be happy...after all..with all the beautiful blue water who could be sad?

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