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Does anyone watch TrueBlood?


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Can I freaking RANT for a second?! I'm literally on Amazon about to buy the books, I asked my husband if he'd read them with me to which he says "probably not". He read the Twilight series faster than anyone I've ever heard of and I say, "ok fine, I heard the book series was really good" to which he says... "Yeah but ______ dies, so..."


!!!!!!!!!! Did he just ruin the whole effing series for me or what?! I'm so mad about this, he's sleeping on the effing couch tonight.



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ugh, i hate when people do that, let alone your husband!!! i don't know if he's right about whatever he said, but honestly, i don't think knowing any single character was going to die would ruin the show for me. and how does he know anyway? from someone who read the books? bc they are not sticking to the books that closely, so i think it's possible that anything in the books could change in the show.


also, TV tends to keep characters around as long as possible when they are fan faves, because it helps keep their ratings high. money is, of course, the bottom line. for instance, if you watched LOST, sawyer was initially meant to die off in the first season, but since fans loved him so much, he ended up with a series-long major role.

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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Can I freaking RANT for a second?! I'm literally on Amazon about to buy the books, I asked my husband if he'd read them with me to which he says "probably not". He read the Twilight series faster than anyone I've ever heard of and I say, "ok fine, I heard the book series was really good" to which he says... "Yeah but ______ dies, so..."

!!!!!!!!!! Did he just ruin the whole effing series for me or what?! I'm so mad about this, he's sleeping on the effing couch tonight.

Ok Ive been lurking on this thread today. Ive read all 10 books, dont worry about your Dh, he is wrong. No one important dies in the books........ yet
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Not sure who he was referring to, but the only character that you would know from the TV series that Dies in the books, is still alive in the series. In the books, he's not important (& not in the TV show either in my opinion..lol)

I don't think he ruined anything for you. I am excited for you to read the books though!! They are really quick reads!!!


Ummm Alcide with NO shirt onhuh.gif How Hot is hehuh.gif?? I would have been like, "Bill who?" lol

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Originally Posted by **~Jenn~** View Post
Ummm Alcide with NO shirt onhuh.gif How Hot is hehuh.gif?? I would have been like, "Bill who?" lol
Ha ha...when FI and I were watching that episode and Alcide's like, "you probably want some privacy right now." And Sookie goes, "That's the last thing I want." And Alcide says something like, "Well I'll at least go put a shirt on." And I said out loud, "That's the last thing I want!" LOL FI just rolled his eyes and goes, "easy over there." Lol
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Originally Posted by **~Jenn~** View Post
Not sure who he was referring to, but the only character that you would know from the TV series that Dies in the books, is still alive in the series. In the books, he's not important (& not in the TV show either in my opinion..lol)
I don't think he ruined anything for you. I am excited for you to read the books though!! They are really quick reads!!!

Ummm Alcide with NO shirt onhuh.gif How Hot is hehuh.gif?? I would have been like, "Bill who?" lol
It's funny a co-worker texted me later that night and was like... "did D say that ____ died!?" He was all upset too, D needs to shut his mouth. Grrr, anyways I am going to buy the books still, I'm pretty sure he's right but oh well.

Bill who indeed!!!

Originally Posted by miss_delerium View Post
Ha ha...when FI and I were watching that episode and Alcide's like, "you probably want some privacy right now." And Sookie goes, "That's the last thing I want." And Alcide says something like, "Well I'll at least go put a shirt on." And I said out loud, "That's the last thing I want!" LOL FI just rolled his eyes and goes, "easy over there." Lol
LOL! I said the EXACT same thing and D just gave me a look, haha!
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Thank you both! Ugh, it's just so freaking rude... he said he heard from someone who had read the books. He is probably totally confused, I was too mad to check his source.

Stacey, you're friends with Yael right? I just met her on Sunday and she mentioned you :)
Yep, Yael and I are good friends. She was just talking about how nice you are. :) I would deffinatly read the books, I think they are way better than the TV series. They are super addicitng. There are 10 books and I think she is writing # 11 right now.
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