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Does anyone watch TrueBlood?


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thanks for the loan offers, but i was thinking i'd ask for the whole set of them since i'll be on vacay for a week with nothing pressing to do but sit and read by the lake. the books seem like they're the kind you blow thru with ease, so i'll definitely need more than one!

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Originally Posted by carly View Post
Hmmm, he'd be ok (Timothy Olyphant) Here's some google images - timothy olyphant - Google Search
Whoa he does look like Josh Duhamel! I love Josh...

Originally Posted by **~Jenn~** View Post
If you buy book #1 I have the rest!! You can def borrow them :)
Then if I have #1 back when your done I'll send them to Amy! hahaha It can be like the Starfish thread :-) lol
HAHA, serious, getting some real life outta them! I may have to buy the first book, DH and I are itching for a good read. My mom bought me Twilight for Christmas and begged me to read it, I started it and then one day couldn't find it, DH was reading it and wouldn't give it back, he finished the entire 4 books in 2 weeks I think. :)
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Does anyone else count down their weeks by how close the next TB episode is? I need more excitement in my life! LOL


I'm late to the party, but I've always pictured Vin Diesel or Jason Statham (from the Transporter movies) as Quinn. LLCJ would have been a super sexy Quinn! Carly - you know my love for that man! There is something about the Rock that doesn't sit well, like he's too ethnic or something. He would be a great panther or wolf. For some reason I want to say that he was strawberry blonde in the books? Maybe I made that up? I don't think he showed up until book 7 or 8, so I'd be surprised to see him this season.


While reading I pictured Christina Ricci as Debbie - little and dark.


I was so into the books I read them one after the other and they all sort of meshed together. I have to go back and re-read before each season. I'm going to have to do the same thing with Eclispe before I go see it

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Ok, I agree with all of this!! I think Vin makes a perfect one, I hadn't thought of him, but once it was mentioned, he is perfect. However, Jason S would be pretty good too. Yummy to them both.


Quin is bald in the books (right??), but I think his sister is light haired (maybe strawberry)? But for some reason, when reading it, I was picturing someone darker and then when I read about either his mom or sis, I was surprised by their lightness.


But I'm right with you. I read all 9 books in < 2 weeks last year, so I just started rereading book 1 yesterday. It's funny how now that I've seen the show, I can read the words and totally picture the characters saying them. I think the casting is just about perfect so far as I go back and read. Especially for Bill, who I wasn't the biggest fan of in the series. I just think he's pretty gross and he's not really written up that way in the books, but he really has the character down pat.


Oh and I think we talked about this before, b/c I 100% agree that Christine Ricci was who I pictured for Debbie Pelt.

Originally Posted by ErinB View Post
Does anyone else count down their weeks by how close the next TB episode is? I need more excitement in my life! LOL


I'm late to the party, but I've always pictured Vin Diesel or Jason Statham (from the Transporter movies) as Quinn. LLCJ would have been a super sexy Quinn! Carly - you know my love for that man! There is something about the Rock that doesn't sit well, like he's too ethnic or something. He would be a great panther or wolf. For some reason I want to say that he was strawberry blonde in the books? Maybe I made that up? I don't think he showed up until book 7 or 8, so I'd be surprised to see him this season.


While reading I pictured Christina Ricci as Debbie - little and dark.


I was so into the books I read them one after the other and they all sort of meshed together. I have to go back and re-read before each season. I'm going to have to do the same thing with Eclispe before I go see it

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