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Does anyone watch TrueBlood?


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Erin- you get book #9 yet? My friend just loaned it to me but I haven't been able to read more than 10 pgs--grrrr....TUCKER!!


Girls- if you like True Blood, def read the Sookie Stackhous Series! So far, it follows the books pretty true. I could barely stand reading Book 1 because it was basically the first season of True Blood. Anyways, a very entertaining light read. Perfect for summer. Also- I bought the box set NEW from amazon for like $30. It inlcuded the first 7 books in paperback. I've loaned these books out to a lot of my friends and they just blow threw them. It's a really fun series!

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I don't have #9 yet. I'm a weirdo and like my books to match, so since I have 1-8 in paperback, I don't want to buy 9 in hardback., KWIM? I think I'll get it from the library and buy it to complete teh set next year, LOL!

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haha DORK! J/K. I know lots of people that like to do that, but I guess I'm not particular because I TRASH my books. I read in the tub so they get wet. I break the spine like crazy. I leave them lying around so sometimes they have a nibble or two from the dogs. I loan them out to anyone that will take them- I love pimpin books out. I just had a friend telling me how particular she is about her books and how she reads so carefully. That was CRAZY to me. I'm just not much of a rereader so maybe that's my problem. I get ADD if I already know how something is going to turn out.


Anyways- you CAN NOT wait that long for paperback. I want someone to read it with me. HA!

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fine I'll go get it and send it along when I'm done. (Then go buy a paperback)


I'm not a careful reader at all. My compulsion is more about how they are grouped on the shelf.


I bought the first 2 Twilight books again in hardcover so they would match the last 2.

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Ok so I figured it out- I don't have a book shelf. I have books shoved in random corners/drawers everywhere!!


My friend told me #9 is a lot better than #8. I'm not sure about you but #8 kinda dragged along for me. I felt it was a big disappointment after #7. And I REALLLLY want the return of Erik which she said happens. YAY!


Abbie does that too doesn't she? I remember her telling me that she had to go back and buy Twilight so they all matched. But Erin- you can wait for paperback. I don't want to pressure you. I just like talking books with people. :)

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I was looking at some books on Amazon so I might just go ahead and order it so I get super saver free shipping! LOL


Yeah, Abbie and I are like that with books. I sent her my hardcover Twilight so she could finish the series and not have to buy 2 sets of books.


#8 wasn't my favorite. I have pretty much read all of the books back to back and by the time I got to 8, I was kind of overwhelmed by all of the characters and trying to remember all of the names, relationships, etc


Sometimes, especially with the first 2-3 books the only characters I saw were the ones from the show and I was trying to reconcile the two.


I thought #1 followed pretty closely with the series (at least Sookie's storyline) and I am wondering if I should re-read/skim #2 before season #2 starts.

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I can't even really remember book 2. HA! I read them back to back like you so by 8 I was a tad confused on all the characters. But I was also sick of starting every book with a slight recap of what happened in the prior 7 books. I read that series during Xmas time so I've had a slight break before starting #9 so I think i'll be thankful for the recap. Too much to remember!


I'm so excited for True Blood though. I jsut put the date on my Outlook calendar so I can remember. Steve loves the show too so I always get extra into shows that we can watch together. There isn't many!

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I love True Blood. I was addicted after the first episode. This past weekend I have been rewatching them, getting myself ready for season 2. I am so going to start buying the books.


I am one of those that after reading the book you would never even know it was read. None of my friends will borrow my books incase they wreck them lol.

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