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New boobs.. a week after, advise please...


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Originally Posted by clmarti1 View Post
I can't believe I'm actually posting this, but I also had surgery in July (I wish I would have not listened to my mom and gone a little bigger!) Anyway, I was in pain for only the first few days, 4 max. I slept upright for MAYBE a week and a half. After thank, I had to be very careful about how I moved, but I was pretty much functional and pain free by the second week. The first few days are rough though, but just remember it's worth it. Make sure that you have someone to help you sit up if you need help, don't try to do it yourself! My big thing is... take your antibiotics. My doctor put me on 7 days which was not enough, I had to go to another doctor and get back on the meds for another 10 days. I promise you are almost home-free from the majority of the pain! I dont know if you're big into working out, but I love to run. I waited 6 weeks before I tried to run and it was pretty odd at first. I think what really helped was my sports bra. I bought an UnderArmor sportsbra which is AMAZING and I highly recommend it! If you need to know anything else, you can PM me, I'll be happy to help in any way!
How many CC's did you get?
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Well I got 390cc which is nothing because I wasn't even an A!!! My mom came to visit me last week and I kept bugging her about how I shouldn't of listened to her. I think after the wedding I'll go a little bigger. I dont want to look like Pamela Anderson, but I think a little bigger wouldn't be that bad. The thing is I got sillicone which i like, but they aren't refillable so it looks like i'll be going under the knife again next summer!

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Congrats on your new additions. :) Some people heal differently than others... some recoup faster, while others take longer.


I'll be honest too... I had them done about 7 years ago... I had a hard recovery... about 3 weeks before I was functional and able to sleep on my back. I had depression from it (lack of sleep and pain). My mom had to wash my hair for the first week, and do up jeans for me as well (could not move my arms at all without being in pain). It was about 2 months before I felt normal again... totally pain free, no stiffness in the morning. Though 5 months late I required more surgery since one dropped way too far, so I needed a pocket revision.


But I would do it all over again in a heart beat. :)


So if you have any questions, ask away. Oh, mine were through the crease, under the muscle, about 450CC, and the are Mentor Adjustable Saline implants. I went from nipples to a D (now a DD because of the weight gain...)

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Originally Posted by soltamargo View Post
After years and years of wanting sexier boobs, I finally went for it, and last week I had surgery, today is 1 week., and I feel better, last night I could finally sleep more., but I'm still in pain and my doctor is not exactly Mr share details on what to expect.

Has anyone went though this?? I know this is very personal, but here I am announcing to the world... I have new boobs!.. haha.. I just wish I had a friend that could tell me what's going on, when will the pain go away.., what can I do and what shouldn't I do while healing...

Help please... lookatme.gif
I have had breast augmentation (1999) and worked for the plastic surgeon who performed my surgery (Dr. Zachary Gerut) as an OR assistant for 3 years.

I would advise you to take your pain meds only as needed but make sure you take all of the antibiotics. I would also tell you to MAKE SURE you wear the bra or the breast strap (Not sure where they inserted the implants from so I do not know what your doc gave you for support) all the time. My were inserted endoscopically from my underarms so I had the strap. If you got them from the nipples or underneath, you'd most likely get the bra. Wearing the support device, even if it is uncomfortable is very important to ensure that your breasts heal properly. Next I would tell you to take it easy. Breast augmentation is very invasive surgery and takes a long time to heal. If you push yourself too soon, you can do damage or hurt yourself.

If you have any other questions, feel free to PM or email me.
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Originally Posted by gossip girl View Post
My roommate in university had the surgery and I was the lucky one who got to take care of her! She took LOTS of Percocet, I think every 6 hours or something and she was way out of it...so for about 4 days we watched all of the sex and the city dvd's and then she was fine! She did say that it felt like a truck ran over her chest though.

I think she went back to work a week later. She visited her surgeon several times though in the course of 3 weeks following and received specific instructions. Do you have any more follow up visits booked? I think it's important to have the dr. provide you with what you are/aren't supposed to be doing!!
My next doctor appointment is in 1 more week, to retrieve the stitches?... I had to call him 2 days ago when I was feeling really bad and he changed the medication...

I'm watching some movies too.. and working on the computer as much as I can... Is hard when you are use to run around all the time...

Thanks for all the advice!!!
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Originally Posted by Jennifer Davis View Post
I have had breast augmentation (1999) and worked for the plastic surgeon who performed my surgery (Dr. Zachary Gerut) as an OR assistant for 3 years.

I would advise you to take your pain meds only as needed but make sure you take all of the antibiotics. I would also tell you to MAKE SURE you wear the bra or the breast strap Next I would tell you to take it easy. Breast augmentation is very invasive surgery and takes a long time to heal. If you push yourself too soon, you can do damage or hurt yourself.

If you have any other questions, feel free to PM or email me.
Thanks a lot Jenn, I'm making sure I take all the meds, and wear the bra, I'm hating both, but I want to heal well , and soon!!!
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Originally Posted by clmarti1 View Post
Well I got 390cc which is nothing because I wasn't even an A!!! My mom came to visit me last week and I kept bugging her about how I shouldn't of listened to her. I think after the wedding I'll go a little bigger. I dont want to look like Pamela Anderson, but I think a little bigger wouldn't be that bad. The thing is I got sillicone which i like, but they aren't refillable so it looks like i'll be going under the knife again next summer!
Brave woman!!!

Originally Posted by JaimeLynne View Post
Ouch! I think I'm getting sympathy pains just listening to y'all talk about it!

Sorry I don't really have any advice but just wanted to say best wishes for a speedy recovery!
Originally Posted by Fanny View Post
omg you brave woman! cheer2.gif Cheers to a speedy recovery!
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