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Engagement gift for fiance

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Soooo...does everyone get an engagement gift for their fiance? If you do, how soon are you supposed to get it and how much do you typically spend? I was surprised by the proposal so I obviously wasn't saving money for it and I don't want to have to charge it if I don't have to.

Neither my brother, sister nor any of my friends are married so I don't really know how this works.

Any help?

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I think it's a fun idea to get something for the FI. Since I was so excited about my diamond, I wanted to get him a gift too :) So, I got him a Wii! He's been wanting one but didn't get it b/c he was spending money on the ring, the puppy, wedding, etc. I put it in a big box, so when he came home it was the first thing he saw. I think anything thoughtful would mean a lot!

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lol ... just reread this and saw I had a huge brain far with my first response, lol. I don't know why I thought you wrote engagement "ring." wtf.giffryingpan.gif


Anyway, I didn't get him a gift. But he left for Iraq a week after we got engaged and I had a surprise going away party for him, which we ended up using to announce our engagement, so maybe that counts...

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hhhmmm - maybe it's a regional thing - most everyone i know does get an engagement gift for their FI. I got mine a watch with diamonds on the face - i know a bit over the top but i got a good deal on it!


i say get him something, even if it's just writing him a love letter telling him why you are excited to become his wife! it's not about the $ but the guys deserve a little something - the women get almost all the attention during the engagement!

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