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DJ vent


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just need to vent before i throw my phone across the room into my censored.gif co workers head and it breaks into pieces. rant.gif


i have been playing censored.gif phone tag with a complete jack ass who calls himself a dj. but WHO really is the jack ass? ME b/c i continue to call him when i should just decide on a different dj. ARGHH but i really want to use him b/c i used to hang out with him years ago in my clubbin days. he used to dj downtown, ac, nyc and he is awesome. he's real upbeat, and will just be fantastic with my guests. over the years i have been to a few parties, & benefits where he has dj'd too so i know he can play other stuff besides club music. i have been calling him seriously since censored.gifapril, maybe even before that. i call, leave voicemail, he dont call back. this censored.gif happens like 5 times. i call again, finally he calls me back but i miss the fucking call. i call him, no answer, leave VM, dont hear from him for weeks, i call back, and this goes on and on and on. 2 weekends ago i call him and he answers, i nearly shit my pants. so he is censored.gif whispering and im like umm hello? he says "oh i will call u back, im in va in a training class.. ill call u back this weekend and we will go over prices..." ok weirdo, so im like cool. has he censored.gif called me back- NO! i call today, no answer. all i wanna know is how much he will charge and what needs to be done. im calling him today. i hate ignorant people. i know there are worse things to vent about but so far in my planning things have been smooth. i really want to use him. i am giving it one more try and thats it after this censored.gifweekend of he dont call me back. smile124.gif

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ugh jac i know you want this guy but is he really worth all the stress? what happens if you do get to book him but then want to do a pre meet or that kind of stuff to go over special requests? can you really depend on him?

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maura thats what my sister said too but wtf. :o(


car im not sure, u had to have been out one time when he was there. he used to go to emerald city a lot.


a friend of mine (car, venzi) said her neighbor used him and she also said he was hard to get a hold of.


maybe u guys are right. i shouldnt risk it. :o( sad face.

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A DJ in a training class? Training for what? Sounds like he has some sort of side job (or main job?) that's preventing him from being on top of things now and I would think they same thing would happen if you hire him to do the wedding.


There's a TON of good DJs in NYC. This guy can't be the only one.

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Originally Posted by FoxyBride View Post
A DJ in a training class? Training for what? Sounds like he has some sort of side job (or main job?) that's preventing him from being on top of things now and I would think they same thing would happen if you hire him to do the wedding.

There's a TON of good DJs in NYC. This guy can't be the only one.
Yes, as fas as I know, he has a "normal" 9-5 type job and he DJ's on the side. He used to DJ full time when he was younger, but I guess he was training for a diff job? No idea. He was whispering, like he answered his phone in CLASS but cant pick it up any other time? There are def other good DJ's around but I just knew him, and know he'd be perfect and I know he had the experience, so I wanted to use him. But I do think he wont be too reliable and I dont need that as the wedding gets closer, ya know. Thats what Im starting to think about.
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Jac, there is a DJ that all of my friends use for their weddings. If you decide to go with another DJ, PM me and I'll give you his name. His company is really great and everyone always has a good time when they're DJing an event. I hired him myself for my 10 year high school reunion last year.

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Originally Posted by Lizz View Post
Jac, there is a DJ that all of my friends use for their weddings. If you decide to go with another DJ, PM me and I'll give you his name. His company is really great and everyone always has a good time when they're DJing an event. I hired him myself for my 10 year high school reunion last year.
oh cool. well def give me his info when u get a chance! i had in mind another kid my two friends used at their wedding, so we will see. they were cool i guess.

so you would def recommed him though? i dunno why im so worried about the dj, i just want everyone to dance and love the music. when i go to weddings, i always remem if the djs good, hahaha. im a dork, i know... but i love music so ?

this sux. another thing bout the original dj i wanted- i have certain kind of music i want him to paly during cocktail & dinner hour, like that loungey funk kinda stuff, and he has all that stuff, and can make music too, so that was another reason i reallyyyyy wanted him.
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