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FMIL wants to give me a bridal shower....

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Hi All,

My FMIL wants to give me a bridal shower. I am not much for tradition but isn't the MOH suppose to do this?


I told my MOH I didn't want one so I am not sure what to say to FMIL. She was so excited looking at bridal shower stuff I don't want to burst her bubble but I would much rather spend the weekend in my PJ's watching movies.


Should I just suck it up and let her plan the party? Thanks, Carla wink.gif

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My FMIL threw me a shower.


My in-laws live about 8 hours away, so she hosted for his side of the family. As it turned out, none of DH's extended family came, so this was the only wedding related thing they did for us.


His mom doesn't have any girls, so she was really excited about planning. I wasn't really wanting a shower but couldn't let her down. It was just a few hours out of my day and I got some cool stuff, so I say go for it.


You don't have to have another shower.

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If you want one, then let her do all the dirty work and planning. If you dont want one, just say "thanks, but no thanks."

I let my family, MoH know that, in no uncertain terms that there will be no shower for me - unless it resembles more of a BBQ/co-ed drinking party. However, my FI's brother's girlfriend, who Im sure is my FMIL's secret agent and drives me crazy asked the other day if I would allow a shower and of course I said no. His side of the family is crazy - hehe.


Bottom line - do what you want, not what other people want or think you should do.

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