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*Official Chat Thread for Biggest Loser Season 4* ~FINAL WINNER POSTED~


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I have to say that I've been really frustrated this season of the biggest loser. I started off horribly and that's my own fault. But around week 4 I decided I was re-joining the gym. I have been eating really good and working my butt off for the past month and seeing very small results. I've been getting really frustrated and you'd think I'd know by now that this is what always happens to me when I try to lose weight, once I start working out it's like my weight barely moves.


So needless to say I've been very, very frustrated with my losses the last few weeks. So this past week I decided to change things up a bit. I worked my butt off at the gym this week and I really upped my protein intake. Well, I'm happy to report that I had a HUGE loss this week!! I still have a LONG way to go and am definitely in for BL5, but I'm happy that even though it's our last week I was able to finally have a loss I was happy with.


Now, for the hard part, keeping up with the gym and healthy eating through the holidays, yikes!!

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For next biggest loser, I thought it would help if we had something to follow and keep us motivated and on track.


I've looked through lots of plans & I think bob greene's best life diet is the best. There is no trick to it. it's just a healthy lifestyle. But, the book addresses everything from nutrition to fitness. I've been reading it this week & I am so impressed by it. it is the kind of plan that would not make you feel like you are sacrificing or torturing yourself to be thin. i feel like keeping up with the program would improve quality of life. You don't have to eat certain food, but the recipes look amazong.


here is a link for more info

The Best Life Diet


You don't have to do this plan to do biggest loser, or do biggest loser to follow the plan. We will just start the best life diet at the same time as BL5 for those who want to follow.


The reason why I bring this up now, is that you are not supposed to weigh yourself in week 2 & 3 on this plan. He says its demotivating because your weight may not be decreasing as you are getting your metabolism reved up for phase 2.


So we could skip the week 2 & 3 weigh in, or just not follow that guideline in the book. What does everyone think?


If you want the book, it's only $7 on amazon. Amazon.com: Used and New: The Best Life Diet



I'm not going to compete in biggest loser 5 so I can be the BL5 cheerleader cheer2.gif and try to help everyone reach their goals. how awesome would it be to have a 100% success rate for BL5?


I'm open to any ideas and suggestions. if you want to PM me instead of post it here, feel free.

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Originally Posted by Christy335 View Post
I just sent in my final weigh in. Sorry I've been MIA from posting recently. I just started a new job (coaching girls basketball - and I've been practicing with the girls so that has really helped in addition to my workouts) and we just moved, so I've been really busy. Morgan, your before and afters look great! I wish I could show mine, but I've still got a lot to lose, so I'm not ready yet. But I think I did pretty well this go-round. Mother nature brought me a gift last week, but I avoided some strong cravings and came out pretty well this week. Good luck to all of you girls!

I can't wait till BL5!
Christy coaching girls basketball sounds like an awesome job. I used to play and wish I had stayed with it.

Well ladies, I just sent in my final weigh in. I lost about 8 lbs, but I had gained about 4 back from the end of BL3. I'm pretty much at my goal weight and will be in Mexico when we start BL5, but I think I will still join even though I won't win. I love being able to post here and join in with the rest of you!
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Morgan, I think the idea you have is great. It's so true about after your first week weigh in the next couple of weeks are very demotivating when you don't see the scale move. I'd be up for trying to follow this plan and for skipping the two weigh ins.


I do like the idea of 12 weeks too, instead of 8

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The winner of the BDW Biggest Loser ~ Season 4, and winner of $390 is Christy335!!! Way to go, girl!

And congratulations to everyone who stuck through this contest, even if they were busy, or didn't feel like they'd win anyway. Your dedication and hard work is inspiring.

Congratulations to ...


Christy335 -9.504%!!


TA Jill -8.462%
Morgan -7.616%
JulieG -6.582%
KLC77 (Kelly) -5.772%
Becksy (Erin) -5.750%
amesharpe (Amy) -5.043%
mummergirl (Lisa) -4.778%
jpitts78 (Joanne) -3.822%
jrodsgirl (Rosel) -3.636%
DanielleNDerek 1.449%

I couldn't calculate these because I didn't get a final weight.
jkcz0702 (Jennifer)

Missed 2 weeks in a row, so they were disqualified this week
jessygrl75 (Jessica)
SBlake (Sarah)
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Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
Great job Christy! so i was a loser in this contest but i do have an after pic (sorry i forgot to take a before) of me in my bikini that i was able to fit into again because of BL 2-4. I still could stand to lose another 10lbs but i was really happy with myself while i was on my weddingmoon.

i'll post the pic later
so i plugged in your starting weight from Season 2, and from the start of season 2, to the end of season 4, your weight loss is 9.091% -- that's friggin' AWESOME, and definitely something to be proud of.
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