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August 2009 brides

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Hi, Guys

I am back. I must say things are going much better. The new dress maker is wonderful. She has been doing great on my dress. Though I had to buy all new materials and everything, but it was worth it.


Well, we are on our way ladies. Let me ask, will you change your last names or will you add? Big debate in this house hold. We are now looking for our wedding bands, trying to get a big break on price before heading back to the guy he bought my engagement ring from. I also need to finish my DIY project, the menu for each table. I designed it but need to get it printed and cut the way I like.

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Oh, yeah we have decided due to the amount of guest now heatting a high of 80, OMG, we will just give everyone a nice thank you for supporting us card in the room, and a list of weekend activities they can do, which I get free from the jamaican consulate. They always want to promote, so...


Also, I think I will have to fire a few bridesmaids and Maid of Honor, they have not bought there dresses, no shoes, nor their flights, nor have they finalize their room. I am so over this whole thing, I am not going to let them get me in a bad mood. Is everyone bringing their wedding coordinator down with them to over see it all?


Get ready ladies, time is here. Good luck all, incase I get too busy and don't get back before we leave off to the big day. I wish you guys the best of luck, and I hope it all goes smoothly and beautifully.

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I am SO glad everything is finally working out w/ your dress! OMG 80!!! Wow how fun!


I had to "fire" a BM yesterday! and she's my FSIL! they haven't bought their tickets cause "they don't know if they can afford for all of them to come" cause she spent $600 on new carseats for each car even though their son is 6 months and would be fine w/ the old one for a couple months. So Joe's bro will definitely be there, but its always been up in the air for her, except she often makes comments of "you should have done your wedding earlier cause I NEED a vacation" cause the last 2 years they've gone to thailand in April. So we're 2 months out and i said I needed to know if she was coming and such if she planned on being a BM. She said to count her out cause "Sean hasn't told her if they can afford for her to come yet" BOLD FACED LIE! She doesn't even let sean spend money, he wouldn't have a clue if they had $2 in their account or $6000.


Oh well i know longer have to deal w/ that drama. Except she was doing my shower and now she's not and my other BM's are 3 hours away, in the mariens, or my sis (MOH) but she's really shy and pregnant so my "fired" BM said she would but not anymore. So my BM who lives 3 hours away is going to do it, but I'm setting everything up, with LOtS of help from Rebecca!

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Hey ladies!!!! Just checking in again. Sorry to hear this sad news Barrow and Jacilynda. However, you do not need any extra drama during your wedding. If they wanted to be there for you on your special day they would put forth the effort. I have done sooo much in the last couple weeks but still have much to do. Keep positive and focused ladies and don't let people with drama ruin your day.

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I still cant deside on table center peices


We just finnished putting together our ceramoney/vowes

I had to un mushy the ones I liked and the one he put together (I'm not into over romantic stuf at all)

But I really like what we came up with, it wont make me sick hehe


I'm up with all the stuff on my checklist !


I dont know what to do with my hair yet though :/

As for the last name debate... agh

I dont want to change mine, but I dont want to have a diffrent last name as him, and he wont change his last name and can care less what I do

So basicly I have to change mine to get what I want grrr


80 guest! wow thats crazy number... I dont think I could ever have that many


only drama so far is Davids Bridal ordered the wrong dress size for my Sister :/ and it wont be in until July...


I've already gave up on hopes for a shower, I'm not getting any of the other partys so why that one *shrugs*

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Def not adding on his name, believe me it would be too weird! So sorry to hear about everyone's bridesmaid dilemmas. My invitations and shower invitations are going out soon and that is a big relief, it was much more complicated than I wanted it to be. I'm hammering out some little details now and still have to buy our plane tix down and arrange transportation to the dock but I put FH in charge of those. I can't belive how fast time is really starting to go by aghh so close! :)

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I know!!!! We had to rearrange our tickets cause of flights being cancelled and such due to no traveling cause of the swine flu. So now we're leaving 4 days earlier than we were and I know its only 4 days, but its 2 months from next monday (just a little over 2 months). that seems crazy!!!!

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I'm only really starting to stress out because I have to out prosses out of the military as well as finnish wedding planing :/


Its almost just as much work to get out as its been planing the wedding and I've had a year to plan!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bought my plane tickets, finished paying for my flowers, got a dress for my shower and things are really coming together for that, got our rings, bought my invitations and they are being shipped to me as we speak so I can send them out soon! I got a cute cake topper and I am getting together information from everyone about when they are coming/where they are staying/etc, and I am working on newsletters for those who are coming. I'm getting more excited with the more I can check off my list the stress is fading into excitement!

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