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I hate hypocrites!!


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Originally Posted by Kat81 View Post
You know what?? Screw them! I know it hurts some what but you don't need negative people around you. If they want to constantly bring you down maybe it is better that they don't come! I just want to beat people like that. That makes me so mad I seriously could poke their eyes out pokestick.gif
Yes! The sad thing is my fiancee really doesn't like his stepmother anyway, so there is already a lot of tension there. His mom died when he was 12 and the woman he calls step mom was there waiting in the wings until his mom died. She got married to his dad one year after my fiancee's mom died. He has never looked at her as a mother figure.

I have to give my fiancee credit - he has already basically told her that she isn't his mother, so she doesn't have to come anyway if she thinks it is "too much" for her. She doesn't have any kind of filter and just says whatever she thinks without thinking about what she is doing. It drives me mad . . . it does just make his mother's absence that much more upsetting to him. My take is that she is just pissed that we aren't having a wedding in New York so she can parade around in front of all her country club friends. She is into the whole "show" and that is the exact opposite of what we want our wedding to be. We are doing what we want to do no matter what!
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Originally Posted by STACEY View Post
Im sorry. People suck!! But im sorry that it has to be your future family.

I really think that we should write a destination wedding book. Chapter 3 will go something like this: PEOPLE SUCK
1. Family will make you mad
2. Brides maids will drop out last minute.
3. Grooms men......well they suck too.
4. Freinds will avoid you
the list goes on and on.
Yes - I think it could be a best seller!
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Originally Posted by Yari View Post
My BM will be eight months by the time my wedding comes around. She is not coming to the wedding. sad.gif
Aww that sucks! Sorry to hear it! I guess I lucked out.

Originally Posted by luvtoteachlaw View Post
Yes! The sad thing is my fiancee really doesn't like his stepmother anyway, so there is already a lot of tension there. His mom died when he was 12 and the woman he calls step mom was there waiting in the wings until his mom died. She got married to his dad one year after my fiancee's mom died. He has never looked at her as a mother figure.

I have to give my fiancee credit - he has already basically told her that she isn't his mother, so she doesn't have to come anyway if she thinks it is "too much" for her. She doesn't have any kind of filter and just says whatever she thinks without thinking about what she is doing. It drives me mad . . . it does just make his mother's absence that much more upsetting to him. My take is that she is just pissed that we aren't having a wedding in New York so she can parade around in front of all her country club friends. She is into the whole "show" and that is the exact opposite of what we want our wedding to be. We are doing what we want to do no matter what!
Sounds like she is jealous of you. Maybe you remind her of your FI's Mom and it gets to her. Sounds like you two are better off without her. I am sorry your FI has to deal with it though it is probably already sad for him to go through such a monumental thing without his Mom. Just be patient for him and let her comments bounce off your back. And if you need back up, I am only a short plane ride away and I have nothing to loose in the relationship!
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People are seriously f**ked when it comes to weddings!! Everyone thinks that their opinion is the most important-forget about the bride and groom and what THEY want!!!I can't believe she actually said "how selfish you are, and how dare you expect people to use their vacation time for your wedding, and how dare you make people pay to go to your wedding!!!" Last time I checked, this was a free world, and no one is forced to do anything!

If people don't want to use their precious vacation time and money, then don't go....RIGHT?! UGHHHH!

My BM didn't get knocked up, but the GM's wife did...I was really looking forward to drinking with her too!!

SOrry for the long post...your story just made my blood boil!!!

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We had a lot of complaining from FI's side and still do. Specifically his mother and sister....too expensive, too far blah, blah, blah. Well wouldn't you know that in-law's are now going for 2 weeks and flying first class!! F Sister-in-law actually told me that she could go to barbados for 2 weeks with what our wedding costs and that she already went to her brother's first wedding!! OMG filter! We actually get along and she hates FI's ex and this is what she says to me. We finally said to her that she shouldn't come if all she is going to do is complain. Of course she would never miss an event! She booked her spa appointments so that she looks her best for our big day months ago. I haven't even booked mine. I wonder if I'll walk in on her and she'll be wearing my dress?!? Anything is possible.

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Originally Posted by twotees1218 View Post
We had a lot of complaining from FI's side and still do. Specifically his mother and sister....too expensive, too far blah, blah, blah. Well wouldn't you know that in-law's are now going for 2 weeks and flying first class!! F Sister-in-law actually told me that she could go to barbados for 2 weeks with what our wedding costs and that she already went to her brother's first wedding!! OMG filter! We actually get along and she hates FI's ex and this is what she says to me. We finally said to her that she shouldn't come if all she is going to do is complain. Of course she would never miss an event! She booked her spa appointments so that she looks her best for our big day months ago. I haven't even booked mine. I wonder if I'll walk in on her and she'll be wearing my dress?!? Anything is possible.
My offer extends to you too! You need your FSIL to back off I will give her a talkin' to! I am so sick of people and their damn opinions and willingness to "steal the show"
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