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Aimee! Isn't Christheel just the BEST??? We LOVE her! She is SOOO talented. I would recommend her for all the other brides! We also did some photos with Eder, and he was great too, if Cris isn't available!





Originally Posted by vollydolly View Post

We are back and had the time of our lives!!  I will post my review soon! I can't even express how beautiful and amazing our wedding was and to share it with friends and family is priceless.  All the future brides you have nothing to worry about.  I'll answer what I can below:


I agree that Las Palmas is too small for a big wedding.  We had ours at Seaside beach and we loved it.  I think it is better than Oceana and at this time of the year there is more sand over there.  Don't worry about grading the sand, we came after Adrian and left right before Beatrix and the sand was fine.  Unless there is an actual hurricane you will be fine. 


I wasn't happy with Fatima - She is very sweet but very new and messed up quite a few things but it all turned out fine anyway.  If you are working with her make sure you have everything down and you have to remind/follow up with her constantly.  I absolutely loved our photographer - Cristheel.  I hope you can see our video below.  I think I posted it right.  She is the best and well worth it.  She stayed for almost the entire reception and took over 750 photos and we didn't even tell her we would upgrade.  If I can help any future brides please let me know. 







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Hi Sarah,


I think it was just the two strands. Whatever you get for $80! I loved the lanterns. And the best part about them opposed to buying some, is that they are set-up for you, you don't have to worry about them and you don't have to pack/ship them! Once I arrived at Dreams all I wanted to do was visit with my guests and have fun. I didn't open my wedding binder once! So I was glad I didn't have too many things to arrange or explain to the WC.

Originally Posted by SarahBen2011 View Post

SarahInLove - how many strands did you have, 2?  How many do you think is needed for Las Palmas?  We're having 50 guests.  I might buy lights like this instead of the lanterns, just waiting to hear back from Fatima.  Have other brides had good contact with her?  I haven't heard from her since she took over in early June...




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Amazing pictures Vollydolly! Congratulations!!

Originally Posted by vollydolly View Post

We are back and had the time of our lives!!  I will post my review soon! I can't even express how beautiful and amazing our wedding was and to share it with friends and family is priceless.  All the future brides you have nothing to worry about.  I'll answer what I can below:


I agree that Las Palmas is too small for a big wedding.  We had ours at Seaside beach and we loved it.  I think it is better than Oceana and at this time of the year there is more sand over there.  Don't worry about grading the sand, we came after Adrian and left right before Beatrix and the sand was fine.  Unless there is an actual hurricane you will be fine. 


I wasn't happy with Fatima - She is very sweet but very new and messed up quite a few things but it all turned out fine anyway.  If you are working with her make sure you have everything down and you have to remind/follow up with her constantly.  I absolutely loved our photographer - Cristheel.  I hope you can see our video below.  I think I posted it right.  She is the best and well worth it.  She stayed for almost the entire reception and took over 750 photos and we didn't even tell her we would upgrade.  If I can help any future brides please let me know. 







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When we were just finishing off our honeymoon, we watched a wedding going on at Dreams at the Seaside Beach that was a traditional Mayan ceremony. It looked so cool! They did all sorts of neat stuff. The Bride was so cool and sweet, I chatted with her right before she walked down the aisle, from my spot at the infinity pool. I wonder... is the Mayan bride on this forum? I'd be so interested to see how you liked your unique ceremony!



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Haha now you have me looking up the moon cycle! The day before our wedding is the new moon so should be quite a bit darker. I think I'll stick with the 4 posts and the white lights under the dance floor.


One more question- do they bring the cake out later (due to heat) or is it on the cake table throughout the entire reception?


Thanks for all your help.

Originally Posted by vollydolly View Post

I think there is plenty of light.  We saw a wedding the night before ours and they had at least 5 poles of hanging lanterns with at least 4 lanterns on each pole and their dance floor had the techno lights.  I thought it was too bright as it was a full moon when we were there and there is lighting from the resort that reflects down on the beach. 


Fatima told us that we didn't need any extra lighting and for some reason our dance floor didn't have any lights.  I don't know why we didn't get any.  The only reason I could think of is if there is any chance of rain, they don't risk putting lights and electricity out there.  She didn't tell me this though and our dance floor looked like a little stage with nothing.  I was the only one that noticed though and once it got dark, we got lucky because there was a fireworks show from another party.  It was amazing.  I agree that white lights would look better than the colored lighting on the floor.  I think it looked a little cheesy.  I think maybe 2 lanterns would be nice.  More of an intimate setting.  Also remember the sun doesn't set until at least 845-9 depending on when your wedding is. 

I didn't see the lounge chairs so I can't comment on that.


One more strange thing..we had an ipod and there was a "dj" that was there to work the ipod.  I didn't pay for that but he let me play what I wanted but at some point he did play celebration.  That's funny because I hate that song and why he played that I have no idea...



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lol..they bring out the cake after your first dance etc.  we cut our cake and posed for a few pictures and then it started to sprinkle rain and they took it away!  so we didn't have cake but i don't think anyone really noticed since we had dessert with dinner.  we found our cake 2 days later after asking fatima many times.  it wasn't that good 2 days later..haha..we had cheesecake.

Originally Posted by mllek1986 View Post

Haha now you have me looking up the moon cycle! The day before our wedding is the new moon so should be quite a bit darker. I think I'll stick with the 4 posts and the white lights under the dance floor.


One more question- do they bring the cake out later (due to heat) or is it on the cake table throughout the entire reception?


Thanks for all your help.



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