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Second Last Fitting Pics!

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I went for my second last fitting on Friday. Thought I should finally get around to posting the pics. They're adding the cap sleeves for me. The sleeves in the picture are just the cotton base. They ordered extra fabric from the dress designer to make the actual cap sleeves, which will go on top of the base sleeves seen in the pics. When they put the silk on top, they're going to pleat/drape it to match the rest of the dress. My next fitting is this Friday, and the sleeves will be all done. I can't wait to see it!!!


(please ignore the terrible hair I was sporting that day. I was super busy at work all week, and it was all I could do to actually make it to the fittting, let alone get my hair and makeup looking decent beforehand. I also cannot even begin to explain the look on my face in the second photo. I think my sister just managed to catch me mid-sentence and the result wasn't pleasant!)


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Originally Posted by Fanny View Post
You look fabulous Sherry! The sleeves sound like a beautiful touch :) I think we have the same dress -- Romona Keveza?
Thanks Fanny! Yes, it is a Ramona Keveza. That's so fun that we have the same dress! I'm so excited to see it with the sleeves properly on. Only 3 more days!
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