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She is ABSOLUTELY over reacting! Mr. Keegan is going to be fine! She doesn't even have to get off the plane for one and if someone is there to help her, she'll be fine.


My little guy did great on our trip. He was almost 2 when we went to PV last year and the thing that was the biggest life saver was the portable DVD player and snacks. I took the DVD player with movies he had never seen, but were themes he liked (Max & Ruby's Halloween, a Nickelodeon montage of kid shows etc.). We picked up some snacks at the airport and took his empty sippy cup with us through security and got him some milk at McDonalds and he was fine.


One more little trick I learned was to take some toys. I have been saving all of his McDonalds happy meal toys. I don't show them to him or open them. (Poor guy - he doesn't even know Happy Meals come with toys) LOL!!


I throw a couple of the unopened toys in the carryon bag and when he got fussy I would pull out one. He totally thought it was new because I made a big deal of opening it and it entertained him for a while. If he lost it, it was no big deal either.


If she is going alone I can see where she would feel overwhelmed. With a little bit of planning she will be okay. Kids at that age are tricky. My kids were both very active at 1 yr. They liked to scream just to hear their own voice. Hopefully the flight isn't too long.


I'm wondering what Gravol is myself.

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That sounds like a good idea. During take off and landing, they will have to hold him in their arms and hug him chest to chest, then during the flight he can sit with whoever (as long as there is an extra mask for him in the over compartment) and move free. Bring a couple fav toys or activities for him and he should be good. If he likes to watch movies, they could take a portable DVD player with them and a couple of his fav movies.

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Gravol is like dramamine - same drug - Dimenhydramate. I think there's a kids formula in the US. It's actually an antihistamine, hence the drowsiness. Your sis should check with her pediatrician as they don't usually give dosage recommendations for kids under 2.

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Thanks Celina. she's traveling with her husband, her parents, and about 17 other people that are coming to the wedding. So there should be plenty of people to help her out.


Oh and on a side note,shameonyou.gif hiding happy meal toys! It's devilishly brilliant.


I have to laugh a little because fsil invited me to brunch on Sunday which i think is my surprise shower. I wonder if everyone will stop fighting by then. lol

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danielle, she needs to get a grip. i see literaly (sp? that doesnt look right) hundreds of babies going on flights each and every day and they are FINE. unless little keegan has some medical condition i dont see why he couldnt go. it sounds to me like she is just being one of our favorite family members, you know, the one who insists "its your day" and then does absolutely everything to make it difficult on you?


sorry you're having to deal with this sad.gif not cool sad.gif


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he should be fine. we had a large group (like you will) on a flight to vegas for my sisters wedding and my nephew (18 months) was fine he too was the only child on the flight. we let him roam and go around talking and sitting with everyone that was with our group. He had a blast. But yes a dvd player or toys will help too. On the way back he slept though just abt the whole flight. again on our flight to arizona he was fine too did the same we didn't make him confined to his seat only when it was mandatory. She shouldn't have any problems.

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Silly cow!! my old boss took her 18 month old baby on a trip to New Zealand and that is some bloody flight from here lol Kid was a proper whinger but she loved the plane and slept the best she ever had lol


She's just looking for something to whine about tell her to go shove her head its not your worry its hers lol If she drops out her loss and FI won't want to beat her head in lol smile123.gif

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