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Paypal for Dummies

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Thanks Syl1115!!


I haven't actually TRIED it, but I just gave it a good read-through and I THINK I can figure it out:-)


One more question though...do you know what/if PayPal charges you as a seller...? ( I think they take a percentage of the selling price...no...?)



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Originally Posted by Simistar View Post
Thanks Syl1115!!

I haven't actually TRIED it, but I just gave it a good read-through and I THINK I can figure it out:-)

One more question though...do you know what/if PayPal charges you as a seller...? ( I think they take a percentage of the selling price...no...?)

They do but it is such a small percentage. I think 1%. It is worth it for the piece of mind.
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It's definitely worth it - there's so much buyer and seller protection on paypal, and once you get used to it you'll probably find it pretty easy. Here's a link to the paypal fees page. https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/we...y-fees-outside


Look at the section under "receive payments funded by credit card...." since that is how people will pay you - the % that paypal takes is there (click on the % for more info).


Not the most user-friendly chart, but for instance, I have a premier account but get less than $3,000 a month put into my account, so paypal takes 2.9% plus 30 cents for each transaction.


If you sell stuff on here, members can easily pay you using the email address of your paypal account.


Good luck! Really, once you get used to it paypal is easy and really convenient for buying and selling.

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