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Paypal for Dummies

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I have been avoiding learning how to accept money on paypal because it makes my head spin. I have a paypal account, and have bought items using it, but I've never accepted money or sold items online (herein lies my dilemma).


I have all of my wedding stuff to sell (including two beautiful dresses that have never been worn) and tons of decorations, but I need help in setting up my paypal account to accept money.


Is it possible for someone to post directions on how to set up a paypal account to accept money? I would be forever grateful! I am ready to start clearing this stuff out of my house smile35.gif!


Thank you!!!

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I am trying to figure this out too!!

If any of you lovely ladies can help a paypal-challenged girl out, I'd really appreciate it...

Alas, alack, I have become a two-dress bride and need to post the first one for sale...Only for the life of me I can't find instructions on how to do this (or the fees etc associated with this) on the PayPal website...


Help...? Anyone...?smile116.gif

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Originally Posted by syl1115 View Post
I am attaching a word document, complete with pictures, detailing how to create an invoice. I hope this helps. If you don't have enough points to download, PM me and I will email the document.
Om my gosh -- thank you SO much!
I haven't had a chance to REALLY read through it, but on first glance, it looks TOTALLY like a "PayPal for dummies" worksheet:-)
Hopefully I can figure it now...or I think I have bigger problems than I thought ahahsmile125.gif

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Originally Posted by Simistar View Post
Om my gosh -- thank you SO much!
I haven't had a chance to REALLY read through it, but on first glance, it looks TOTALLY like a "PayPal for dummies" worksheet:-)
Hopefully I can figure it now...or I think I have bigger problems than I thought ahahsmile125.gif

Just PM me if you need help.
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