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Budget for Pics? Or not?

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Originally Posted by jamisoncollette View Post
Think of it this way, you can always make the money back later but you cannot recreate your wedding day. Your friends and family that cannot attend will also enjoy great pictures.
I was having the same issue with spending the money. But this is such a great way of looking at it. Kind of like, I would rather regret spending the money and having fabulous pictures...than regret having no pictures, or not great pictures.

I say go for it and I am definitely going to splurge on the pictures as well :)

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So I am spending a lot more than that on my photography... and I feel really good about it! It is piece of mind knowing that when I get on that plane ride home, that I will have something to show for it.

I decided to save in other areas: keeping the ceremony decor to a minimum since it is already beautiful, chicken instead of lobster since everyone will be liquored up anyways, and roses, gerbers and other local flowers rather than orchids... because no one will know the difference.

At the end of the day you want something to remember your day by... this is the best way!

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I agree go for the pictures! We have a pretty good size budget for the wedding and almost 1/2 of it is to hire Del Sol for our wedding and TTD. wink.gif


I thought my budget nazi FI would say no way but once he saw the picture he was all for it. Since the pictures are much like a storybook, I think he realized since we are only inviting immediate family and very close friends that this would be a way to show everyone our wedding. The TTD is the part he is most looking forward too and that he thought was well worth the money. woot.gif

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I always wanted to allot budget wise to spend whatever I needed to in order to get amazing pictures. I just think it is one of the most important aspects because you will have them FOREVER! My sisters spend a lot of money on their videos and have probably only watched them 3 time since their weddings, but they look at their pics all the time... Go with the best... for sure!

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We are paying for our wedding on our own too. I budgeted $1000 for photography, so Del Sol was out for me. I found Mexico Wedding Photos, which was recommended by Claudia Rodriguez since she was over our budget too. Mexico Wedding Photos is a similar style to Del Sol. Worth checking out: MEXICAN WEDDING PHOTOS


I really wanted to splurge on photography, but we are moving in December, I have to find a new job, and want to save up for grad school, so trying to keep within our budget so we don't go in debt.

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Well JennyatK I was in the same boat as you as I feel pictures are what will be the long lasting memory not only for my FI and I but also for the friends and family that can not make it.


My FI was dead set against the idea of bringing a photographer down but I held out and made my case for it and after talking about it and researching many many photographers I found a great photographer (a lot cheaper than most of the others) and finally convinced my FI that it was worth the money...


I say that you should go with your gut. My gut told me that I would hate the photos that the hotel photographer would supply and that my guests would take pictures but who to say that they would be the photojournalist type that I envision my pictures to be!


Good Luck!

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Originally Posted by jennyatk View Post
I love the photos but will it really matter in 10 years?
I just want to say this is the only thing that will matter in 10 years (other than having your man of course). After the day is done the only thing you have is your memories -- preserve them with great photos no matter who you choose. Good luck w/ your decision :)
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I say go for it, for all of the reasons PP have stated.


I love the wedding pictures that I have. I brought my photog with me and got a great deal because it was her first DW. Looking back, though, there are some shots that I really wanted that we didn't get. I can't go back to Jamaica and re-do my wedding!


I think it would have helped tremendously to have an experienced DW photog who knows how to take advantage of the scenery and has an eye for what works best there.

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also, in the "what I'd do or not do again" thread no one ever says they wish the spent less on photography. but, often people say they wish they spent less on their dress.


my wedding was so cheap, but when people see the pics they think we had a really amazing wedding. I mean it was wonderful, but so simple. but the pictures are awesome.


I guess what I'm saying is that you can cut out all the decorating or get a cheap dress & a great photographer will make it look awesome. or you can spend a lot on decorations & a dress, but it will just look OK in mediocre pics.


but, i do think budgets are very important & I'd never want to encourage people to overspend.

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The expense of photography is also something we're struggling with. I'm not sure what we'll end up deciding, but I can't help but think about my parents' wedding album. They had a VERY budget wedding, but the dozen or so pictures they do have don't tell the whole story. In fact, the book so rarely gets looked at, it's shoved under the counter in their laundry room...growing mold!!!


I don't want that to be how my wedding memories end up! Obviously, they don't care about their pics, but I don't think it's really because they don't cherish the day, rather it's that the pics don't help them remember the magic of that day. I want my pics to help me remember how special our day will be. I don't think mediocre pics will do that.


Like I said, we haven't yet set a budget for photography, but I'm guessing that when it comes down to it, I'm really going to want some amazing pics. Besides, I want to be able to have the experience captured as best I can for my loved ones who won't be able to make it.


Good luck making your decision! (I've still gotta figure out mine too. LOL)

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