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Resort problems :(


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wtf.gifSo I feel I am always venting about my resort to you girls but they did it again...I am totally irate they gave away my date/time and venue. I can't believe this they say something is wrong with their computer system well HELLO fix it. I went there a year before my wedding date and in person filled out all the forms and handed over $1,000 cash to save the date/time and venue (beach ceremony and Sugar Mill Reception). This wasn't even my favorite place but no one could beat the price for the rooms (the actual wedding is still sooo expensive). I spoke with my WC tonight again and she is trying to make me change my plans when I went there just to choose between the 2 reception venues so I wouldn't regret it once I got there for my actual wedding and I "was" glad I did because I didn't like the one I thought I would from the internet pictures and chose the one I thought I booked. Also one of the other girls wrote me that she called at least 2 months ago and was told my time and date was available so I emailed and called and was promised everything was ok, guess it wasn't. They mad me feel like a bridezilla calling and annoying them as if they could never make a mistake well my gut was right...so now she is calling me Friday night after I get home from work to see what has been fix/done/new choices. She seemed afraid when we were hanging up she said she "hoped that we were not at war when she calls back and that we could be friends"...this statement does not make me feel like things will work out for the best. I just emailed the WC all my emails confirming all my info hopefully it works so please everyone cross their fingers for me I can't handle this stressgirl_werewolf.gifgirl_werewolf.gif
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do you have a copy of the forms you signed when you paid the deposit? If you do, then make them give you what you were promised. It's that simple.


If you don't, but you have the e-mails to back it up, it's just as good.


On this one, I wouldn't budge. If they gave your date and time away, then I'd tell them that they have to fix it with the other couple - NOT YOU.


Do you have a lawyer in the family or a close friend who is a lawyer? Might not hurt to brief them on the situation and then have them queued up to talk to the resort. The point here is not "friends" it's they PROMISED you something, you PAID to secure that very thing, and now they're saying oops.


Your response should be firm. You get what you were promised, or all hell will break loose. And from this point forward, EVERYTHING goes in writing. Even if you have a conversation with them, take notes, type them up and send it to them to confirm that your understanding of all of the items discussed was correct.


Good luck. Let us know how we can help.

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I Agree...Please don't gop down without a fight on this one.

Not only is this just wrong in SO many ways, but your the bride and this is unneeded stress!!! When this is All settled, they owe you plenty of discounts. Don't back down, this is their fault & not yours!

Good luck and I'm so sorry your going through this!

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I agree with previous posters. Hold firm. You have paid and signed a legal binding contract. My only assumption to the error in their judgment is that this new wedding is generating more profit for them than yours would, and they want to have their cake and eat it to - by having both weddings. Hold firm! They are already profiting greatly - their resort is EXPENSIVE!! My only concern is that they may spite you and give you less than hospitable service. Resorts have been known to disregard the guest in the entire equation.


My final question is - how did this other bride get your contact information? If they the hotel, passed your information along to her with the hopes that she would intimidate you into giving up your date you need to let them the hotel (maybe bride as well) know that it was inappropriate and very unprofessional and that actions like that have far reaching consequences for them as a business.


Unbelievable! What a bunch of jerks!

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Thanks girls I know you would all make me feel better. I am a NYC girl in the fashion industry ever see Devil Wears Prada that's my life without flying to France :) I have every conversation on paper. If we talked on the phone I sent an email confirming our conversation to at least 3 people and all 3 confirmed what was spoken about. And I have our contract for the rooms and for only the time and date of the wedding not the extras (menu, band, etc...)


My biggest problem is I am not told who had the date first, for all I know this other girl had the day first. I have contact a lawyer and he did not sound positive due to little things on the contract like they were just bought by Hilton but I signed a paper that had the earlier owner on (2 owners ago).


My only guess is that they are trying to book a bigger wedding for more money but they are retarded I was planning on every extra possible so they will be loosing plenty of money I am sure and now I pretty much want my wedding for free :)


I am also worried that the rooms will book up too quick and there will not be enough rooms for my guest. and they promised me upgrading which I am sure they promised her too.


I will keep you all posted I am supposed to get a call Friday night

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You can also use the power of BDW. I had problems with my contract a month before my wedding. The ladies here were more than willing to take the owner to task. Things are still not settled but I know the owner has checked this site and seen my review. I also know that at least one other bride has not used her venue because of my experience. Stay positive!

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Ok so I was a good bride I was told I had to wait until Friday to find out if my wedding was double booked and if I was the bride getting the boot. I was patient, I did not call Mr. Hilton with my woes, and I did not go bridezilla on their butts...So I took off from work a little early Friday, made no plans for Friday night and sat by the phone (I felt like I was single again waiting for a boy I like to call me). 1 hour no call, 1 1/2 hours no call, Now I am getting mad so I call and she is gone, the person who was supposed to call me went home I am sure to have a nice dinner with her husband while I was waiting by the phone afraid to use the bathroom because I may miss the call. I left a message that she must call me first thing in the morning Saturday. I wake up Saturday still no call hours go by no call finally I call leave a message and get a call back...Everything is OK!!! :) I don't know why or how but it is. I am not sure if they lied or if there is another bride out there as sad as I have been the past few days (which now I feel bad). There is one problem with the storms they lost the part of the beach where they perform the weddings so they had to move it no big deal sand is sand and blue water is blue water. I am so happy and hopefully this will be the last of my problems with this resort but I am sure it will not. Thanks for all your support and kind wishes and good luck to everyone in their planning

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