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I see an RSVP nightmare in my future...

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Okay - I'll try to make this as quick as possible....


I just found out that a lot of my dad's family isn't coming to our AHR - they arent' going to our wedding either. (Can't you just feel the love??)


I am secretly happy for this because our venue will only hold about 100 people max and I stupidly invited 200 - mostly my dad's family.


Historically they aren't RSVP'ers - so when we need a final head count - should I sick my bridal party on them to call and ask if they are coming or not, or do I just hope they don't come?


I was thinking of having the BParty call and say, "Hi Mrs Quintana, it's September 23rd and we havent recvd your RSVP card for the Salgado-Ellis wedding. At this point we are listing you down as not attending. Please contact me if we should note differently. Thank you. Bye".


Chances are they wont call back and if they go they will just show up. Honestly I regret sending them the invites in the first place.


I honestly want them to know that since they didn't bother with a freakin RSVP - that they don't need to come. I know it's mean but these people are on my last nerve!!! GGGGGGGGRRRRRRR...what should I dohuh.gifhuh.gif


Thanks - Celina

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I think having the bridal contact them with the msg you wrote is the best thing to do (it's polite, but gets the point across). Hoping that they DON'T come is risky...what if for some reason they do show up?? (maybe just to torture you?? Lol.)Then your seating, tables, food etc etc. might be screwed up!!

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Asking your dad to call would be smart. Asking your BMs might be asking a bit much of them, but if you think they totally wouldn't mind, then go for it. Personally though, if I was that worried about it, I'd be making the calls myself. Maybe they'd realize it was VERY important if the busy bride took some of her own precious time to make the calls. I know this may not be realistic for you, but just thought I'd throw it out there. I know if it was me and I was really concerned, I'd just do it myself. It's terrible, but sometimes I just have to go with the "if you want something done right, just do it yourself."

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