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AHR...When is the "normal" time to have it??**LONG POST**

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I'd say whatever timing works best for you! There are no rules about it. FH's family is planning an AHR because they have a huge number of guests that won't be able to make it. I think they are tentatively planning for a month or so after our wedding, and it'll be a casual banquet in a hall in his hometown. I don't plan on wearing my dress again or doing any of the wedding stuff. If I do get a reception dress, I may wear it again.

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We were going to have ours 5 months after our wedding. However, after the wedding I was just so over it all that we didn't have one. I got super stressed about money and then I started to think "why am I saving again? Because people didn't want to go to MX? Tough shit for them." We then just cancelled it and moved on. That's acceptable too. LOL :)


What I'm trying to say is don't feel pressured. If you want to have one, have one. If you don't, then don't!

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We are getting married November 19th, and we have decided to have our reception in our hometown the weekend BEFORE we leave. This way we don't fall into the holiday season, and many of the people that live out of town will be able to make it! We aren't having a 'traditional wedding reception' because it is before the actual wedding. We are thinking of it more of a fun 'send off' for the family and friends that couldn't come along with us.

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We are waiting about 4 months to have ours. With getting married end of November when we get back it will be getting into the swing of the holidays and bad weather here in MI so we decided to wait until end of March when the weather will hopefully be nicer "at least no snowstorms" :) Also it helps that we can save money too of course. So, no..I don't see a problem with it. I'm still not sure if I will wear my dress again or not. I'll just see how I feel after wearing it for a day if I'm ready to rip it off or it's comfortable :)

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I've been struggling with this too frown.gif

FI doesn't see the point of an AHR and doesn't even want to think about it before the wedding.

I would like to plan it and know the approximate date so I can let people know about it... but then we have to build it into the budget for after the wedding and he won't even talk about it!


Plus, neither of us wants to spend more money, so the only way we can really swing it is if someone else pays for it or it's super-laid-back outdoors (which would be May or June up here and 6 months after the wedding). Frankly, I think that FI is closer to Rachel -

Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
"why am I saving again? Because people didn't want to go to MX? Tough shit for them."
I must admit part of me is there too... but I want a big party and only 8 people have booked so far...


Boo! It's tough. But if you have your heart set on having your AHR at that location and you don't mind saving, definitely wait til Sept! The time will pass really quickly. Look where this summer's gone!

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We got married in Mexico in mid-February and had our AHR on June 30th last year - we really wanted to have it during nice weather, and the wait wasn't a big deal - we did a TON of DIY projects for it, so it was nice to have the extra 4 months after the wedding to get it done, plus it allowed us time to make our video and slideshow and everything....my dress still fit - luckily!!! :)



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Unlike those that posted...we ARE having our AHR the weekend we get back. 6 days after we've come back from our wedding in Mexico, we are having a big (140-150 people like you) AHR in our hometown of Edmonton, Alberta.


We really WANT to have the AHR, and although the bank is gonna be pretty dried up after hosting it, we know that if we were to wait any longer (geographically, we're pretty far from our friends and family), we probably just won't have one.


We're going all out for the AHR as well; the dress, plated dinner, dance, cake, all of it...but only because it is important to both of us.


Whatever you decide, make sure it about the two of you first and foremost. Good luck and remember to have fun.

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