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Hi, This is probably totally unwarranted but I want to throw it out there anyways...My fiance was just telling me about all this crime happening in Mexico (mostly organized crime) that he has read about... and that some European countries have warned tourists about the dangers of going to Mexico. But, I've heard that Playa is really safe.

So, now he has me thinking about possible dangers that we or our guests could encounter- rrrr...one more thing to stress about!

Is it even something to be concerned about?? has anyone else heard this or had any problems?? I hope it's nothing to worry about but...it's a big deal when you have your whole family flying somewhere for your big day! Let me know your thoughts/opinions/anything you've heard or encountered.


panicking bride to be....

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I hear what you're saying about the warnings all such. The reality is that most of the problems that they are talking about have occurred in Mexico City and some of the other big business towns. The organized crime you're talking about, from what I understand, has been known to target wealthy businessmen or the children of wealthy locals. They are not interested in beach-going tourists.


I've been to Cancun and the Riviera Maya 3 times in the last 8 months and have never had any kind of problem, never felt threatened, and frankly never felt uneasy.


Yes, you're going to an economically challenged country. Yes, there is poverty. But the likelihood of anyone associated with your wedding being the victim of organized crime? HIGHLY, highly unlikely. A pickpocket, or an unethical vendor, possibly. But you'll find that in New York, San Fransico and pretty much anywhere in between.

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I have been to that area quite a few times. And I have also read about an increase in crime, kidnappings, etc. I haven't had any problems at all and I felt safe.


There were a few incidences of violence towards tourists in recent years but they may not have been random attacks. There were also a few situations where young men were beaten or attacked outside of clubs in Mexico. But to be honest, that happens in every city sadly. Even in Toronto where I live, and I walk home from work alone at night and feel totally safe, there are attacks and there is crime here as well.


Using common sense I think will keep you and your guests safe and you should have nothing to worry about! If you stay in and around the resort and shopping areas you should be fine...or if you are venturing somewhere, check with the concierge at the resort about the best way to get there and they will let you know if it is safe.


Usually when there are a few problems, the media focuses on it and makes it into a huge deal. Europe has the exact same problems as do most other countries!

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there have been a lot of reports lately of Canadians being killed in Mexico (so much that FI's mom thinks she will get killed if she goes!) - but what people don't seem to realize is that the majority of those are people that are "known to police" at home and just take their shadiness and criminal ways to Mexico with them, and things catch up with them. As long as you are conscientious, you should be just as safe as you would be anywhere else. Unless you are a drug dealer or criminal and have bad people after you... then, all bets are off.

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Originally Posted by becks View Post
I hear what you're saying about the warnings all such. The reality is that most of the problems that they are talking about have occurred in Mexico City and some of the other big business towns. The organized crime you're talking about, from what I understand, has been known to target wealthy businessmen or the children of wealthy locals. They are not interested in beach-going tourists.

I've been to Cancun and the Riviera Maya 3 times in the last 8 months and have never had any kind of problem, never felt threatened, and frankly never felt uneasy.

Yes, you're going to an economically challenged country. Yes, there is poverty. But the likelihood of anyone associated with your wedding being the victim of organized crime? HIGHLY, highly unlikely. A pickpocket, or an unethical vendor, possibly. But you'll find that in New York, San Fransico and pretty much anywhere in between.
As one of the resident experts on Mexico here, I can tell you that everything becks told you is correct. Just be street-smart like you would be when traveling anywhere else -- and remember also that Mexico is a developing country (not really referred to as third-world anymore, and actually I believe according to Forbes magazine back in March, the second richest man in the world is Carlos Slim, who is a telecom tycoon with over $60 billion net worth).

The organized crime I think you are probably referring to is in connection to the recent kidnappings you may have heard about on the news. Read here for better understanding of the current situation on that: Mexico detains 5 in boy's kidnap-murder - Americas - MSNBC.com

The touristy parts of Mexico are generally pretty safe.
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I have been to Cancun several times and have never felt threatend or unsafe. I've walked around bar hopping at 3:00 in morning with my girlfriend and was never once scared or worried (and I'm usually a worry-worm; I carry pepper spray everywhere). There is no way I would be walking around downtown LA at that time without freaking out.


Cancun/Rivera Maya brings in more money from tourism to the country than all the other "touristy" cities combined in Mexico, so there is much more protection there than other places you will probably ever visit in Mexico. If it was unsafe, Mexico knows people would not likely visit as much and that would have a negative affect to their economy. Like the other girls have stated, yes there are people that will steal wallets or try to start fights, but that can happen anywhere.

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