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Long post~~~My FI has to have heart surgery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Oh my goodness! What shocking news. I am so sorry to hear he's having all this trouble. You pointed out the important though, he is otherwise in good health. I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers! Stay positive. An angel is on his side to have discovered this now.

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My FI was born with this heart condition, he has a split aerotic valve. His BP is low though. He has a cardiologist appointment (for the first time in 4 years) in 3 months and hopefully he will get the all clear.


He has refused the surgery before because of the downtime. And the gym is his life, he is there everyday, rain, pain or shine.


Let us know if there is anything you need.


Hang in there!

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Thanks for everyone's support, thoughts, and prayers. I know we will get through itI feel bad because he did such a great job keeping me in good spirits during my surgeries (colon removal). I know my surgeries were very minor compared to his but I just feel helpless. He is doing a little better today. I have been trying to get him to stay busy to help keep his mind off of it as much as possible. I am hoping after the kidney appointment Tuesday and if everything goes well he will settle down a bit. I am sure he will still be worried but atleast that is one less thing that he has to worry about.

Again thanks for everyone's support, thoughts, and prayers!!!!!!!

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im sure he will be just fine,however whilst waiting for appointments to come through you are both going to worry.My mum is at the same stage as you.She was born with a heart mumor and didnt get surgery as a child she is 66.Over the last year or so shes been getting funny turns.Finally after her gp has ignored all her symptums she ended up in itu short of breath etc.over the 4 days she was an inpatient they did the echo ,altor monitor etc and tell her she has heart failure.She has since had a cardiogram and 2 weeks ago they did another test where they take pictures of her heart via a camera inserted down her throat.the consultant rang her and wants to see her in clinic on tuesday.If she needs surgery it will be done in dublin ireland a 4 hour drive from her home .She has lost 2 stone in weight as she is worried.I try to make lite of the prospect of surgery,however inside i am frightened for her and the possible outcome.Tuesday is going to be an important day for us both.Sending you positive vibes and hugs for tuesday.xx

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